Crina Cojocaru is full Professor in the Physics Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the director of the Master in Photonics “Photonics BCN” and the coordinator of the Spanish partner in the Erasmus Mundus Master EuroPhotonics. She received her BSc & MSc in Physics from the Univ. of Iasi, Romania and her PhD in Physics from UPC, Barcelona, in 2002. After two years as Marie Curie post-doc researcher at LPN-CNRS, Paris, she returned at UPC, first as a “Ramon y Cajal” researcher (2004), lecturer (2006), associate professor (2008) and finally full professor since 2022. Her research covers different aspects of linear and nonlinear optics in structured materials (photonic crystals, metamaterials, random structures), nonlinear effects at nanoscale, ultrashort laser pulse characterization, laser beam shaping at micrometric scale using photonic crystals and non-destructive testing using laser induced ultrasound. She participated in 42 research projects, published more than 90 articles, 5 book chapters and participated in many international conferences with more than 45 invited talks. She is co-inventor of a European and USA patent in exploitation and an active member of several steering committees of international scientific conferences and member of OPTICA; European Physical Society; Royal Spanish Society of Physics; and Catalan Society of Physics. She in associated editor for “Frontiers in Photonics” and “Optical and Quantum Electronics” journals.
ORCID code: 0000-0002-5244-8427; Web od science Research ID: AAA-7076-2019; Scopus Author ID: 6701693218