PhD & Job Advertisements
Early-career researcher and postdoc positions at Polarized Light Applications & Technologies (PLAT) Group of the Universitat de Barcelona (February 25th, 2025).
More information in the link below:
LinkLIDAX EOS, a technology startup dedicated to developing innovative optoelectronic systems to address the social and environmental challenges, is looking for an optoelectronic systems engineer (February 25th, 2025).
For more information see the document below:
ASE Optics Europe, a company based in Barcelona focused on the development of custom optics and integrated optical systems, is looking for a senior optical scientist to complement our existing team (February 25th, 2025).
For more information see the document below:
Radiantis, a globally recognized leader in the design and manufacturing of advanced solid-state lasers and optical parametric oscillators, is looking for an automation and control laser engineer (February 25th, 2025).
For more information see the document below:
Four PhD positions at the Materials Physics Center, in San Sebastian, Spain (February 25th, 2025).
More information in the link below:
LinkTwo PhD positions at the Dept. of Optics at IMT Atlantique, France, to work in the integration of retinal imaging optics in an instrumented contact lens and design of 3D nano-structured surfaces for industrial photonics applications (February 25th, 2025).
For more information see the documents below:
"Three research staff positions associated with two projects related to 'Micro-optics and nano-optics' at the Group of Applied Optics at the Complutense University of Madrid (February 25th, 2025).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position at the Bioengineering in Reproductive Health Laboratory, directed by Dr. Samuel Ojosnegros at IBEC, Barcelona (February 14th, 2025).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position at Laboratorio de Óptica of the Universidad de Murcia (December 23rd, 2024).
More information in the link below:
LinkPhD position at the Sensors Group of the Universidad Pública de Navarra (December 23rd, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
3 PhD positions at ICFO, Spain, in the framework of the FLIGHT project (December 23rd, 2024).
More information in the link below:
LinkPostdoctoral Position on Photonic Nanostructures at ICMAB, Barcelona, Spain (December 20th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
LinkPhD contract opportunity in the field of dynamic optical coherence tomography at The Institute de la Vision (France) (December 17th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Gradiant, Spain, is looking for a photonics engineer (December 17th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
LinkGradiant, Spain, is looking for an Industrial PhD candidate to work in chip-integrated quantum technologies (December 17th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
LinkBrill Engines SL, a company dedicated to the research, development, and manufacturing of instruments, devices, and products for medical use based in Spain, is looking for a project manager (photonics engineer) (December 17th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position within the framework of a project focused on the development of novel technologies for vision science at the Center for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6), Terrassa, Spain (October 16th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Posdoc Research Fellow on biotic photonic nanostructures at Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés, CSIC, Madrid, Spain (October 10th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PlenOptika, a company designing innovative technologies to improve vision care, is looking for an optical engineer to join their R&D team in Madrid, Spain (October 10th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position in Advanced Laser Processing Techniques for the Optimization of Material Spectral Properties in Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés, CSIC, Madrid, Spain (October 10th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD grant for the next four years within the framework of one recently awarded research project “Enhancement of Nonlinear Interactions in Optical Metasurfaces” (September 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position in nanoscience at IMDEA (Madrid, Spain) to investigate in photophysics and photonic properties of 2D materials (July 5th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
The Catalonia Quantum Academy is offering up to 10 fellowships to outstanding students to pursue studies on one of the following eligible master’s programs in Quantum Science and Technology and enabling technologies: MSc in Quantum Science and Technology (UB, UAB UPC), MSc in Photonics (UPC, UB, UAB), MSc in Engineering Physics (UPC), MSc in Cybersecurity (UPC), MSc in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (UPC), MSc in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC). Fellowships cover matriculation fees and are open to local, EU and international students, with no restriction on nationality (May 23rd 2024).
Apply here (before June 30th): Link
For more information contact:
Postdoc/PhD positions in Optoelectronics & Laser physics at University of Montpellier (France) to investigate the potentialities of a new class of 3D structured laser and advanced photoconductive antennas for tunable THz emission, for both civil and defense applications (June 12th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Predoctoral Position Available at University of Alcalá (Spain) within the Photonics Engineering Group (GRIFO) to work in the project "SEASNAKE+: Industrial upscale of surface protection system & fibre optic-based condition monitoring for the SEASNAKE MVC (Medium Voltage Cables)” (June 12th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position to work within EIC pathfinder project “Zero-loss energy harvesting using nanowire solar cells in space (Zeus)" at Málaga University (Spain) (June 12th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Postdoc position and industrial PhD on photonics circuits at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) (May 28th, 2024).
For more information see the link below (Refs: HRS2024/188 and HRS2024/189):
Abbe Center of Photonics in Jena, Germany, is looking for two new Junior Group Leader Positions in Photonics (May 28th, 2024).
For more information see the documents below:
Postdoc position on fiber research at Universitat Jaume I (Spain) (May 28th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position on experimental chiral integrated photonics at the Nanophotonics Technology Center (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) (May 23rd, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
PhD position to investigate Chiral Matter Using Structured Laser Pulses at ICMM-Madrid (Spain) (May 15th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
MOSIS Lab at University of Connecticut (USA) is looking for PhD students interested in Optical Imaging, Computational Imaging, Computational Algorithms, Digital Holography, 3D Imaging, 3D Augmented Reality, and Bio-photonics (May 15th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
SENSOFAR, a company whose mission is to develop, manufacture and commercialize high-end 3D surface metrology instruments, is seeking a Product Specialist (May 15th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
BIOTECH is seeking a Laser Application Engineer (May 9th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Two open PhD position at Universitat de Valencia (Spain) to work on quantum optics (February 26th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Open PhD position at University of Kent (UK) to work on Label-Free Endomicroscopy Technology for Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics and Surgical Guidance (February 26th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Open PhD position at Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) to work on experimental chiral integrated photonics (February 26th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Open PhD position at ETH Zürich (Switzerland) to work on nonlinear dynamics in dark potentials (February 26th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
11 Open PhD positions within the framework of the BE-LIGHT project "Improving BiomEdical diagnosis through LIGHT-based technologies" in Spain, France, Germany, Poland and Switzerland (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the link below (Section JOBS):
Open research associate position at University of Cardiff to work on Integrated Photonic Modulators for Aerospace and Data/Telecom (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
The IACTEC-Espacio del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias group (Spain) is currently offering an optical engineer position, to work on payload projects for satellites, both for Earth observation and astrophysical purposes (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Terrassa, Spain) to work on deep learning and hyperspectral imaging of microfibers (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
FYLA LASER, a leading company in the field of supercontinuum and ultrafast fiber lasers, is seeking a Laser Systems Technician to join the R&D team (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
aiXscale Photonics GmbH, a spin-off of RWTH Aachen University (Germany), is looking for an optical development engineer (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Iberoptics, a Spanish company dedicated to providing technical consultancy and supplying scientific and industrial-grade imaging and photonics equipment , is seeking a Technical Sales Specialist (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Open PhD position between Université Paris Saclay (UPSaclay) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) to work in new optical glasses/fibers and laser processing for high T sensing (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position at Technological University Dublin (Ireland) to work on optical sensors for evaluation of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapeutic systems (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
Open PhD position at the Group of Theory of Nanophotonics of San Sebastián and the Nanophotonics group of Bordeaux to work on theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum nanophotonics (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
ICFO offers a limited number of summer scholarships to carry out a research project at ICFO in Castelldefels in the framework of the ICFO Summer Fellows 2024 program (Barcelona, Spain) (January 30th, 2024).
For more information see the document below:
The CD6, a research and innovation center of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is currently offering an optical engineer position, to work in R&D projects developed in the center in the research lines on visual optics and spectral imaging technology (September 20th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CD6 (September 20th, 2022)
Full-time Postdoctoral Fellowship position is available at the Marcos Lab, in the Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester, New York (USA), to study mechanisms of myopia control (September 5th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
PhD position on selective laser etching for integrated photonic applications at the University of Twente, The Netherlands (September 5th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer TWENTE (September 5th, 2023)
Arquimea is looking for a Photonic Integrated Circuits R&D Engineer (Tenerife, Spain) (August 31th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
ASE Optics Europe offers a sales/technical position in Barcelona, Spain (August 28th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
PhD position in Integrated Photonics at University of Malaga, Spain (August 28th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
PhD position in Molecular Quantum Nanophotonics at INO-CRT, Florence, Italy (July 26th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer INO-CRT (July 26th, 2023)
RAL Space is looking for a Quantum Sensors Research Engineer (Oxfordshire, UK) (July 26th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
Open positions at CLPU - Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Salamanca, Spain (July 26th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
PostDoc vacancy at the Ultrafast Optics Group of the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences in Edinburgh, UK (July 25th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer HWU (July 25th, 2023)
PostDoc and PhD position in Ultrafast Nano-Optics at University of Oldenburg, Germany (July 25th, 2023).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer UO1 (July 25th, 2023)
Job Offer UO2 (July 25th, 2023)
Open PhD position at IREIS and Hubert Curien Laboratory, located in SAINT-ETIENNE, France, to work in the elaboration of thin film coatings and laser processing for the customization of secure ID documents (July 25th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer HCL (July 25th, 2023)
Open PhD position at Laboratoire LP3 (CRNS; Aix-Marseille Université) and the company Cegitek about Phase contrast X-ray imaging in pulsed regime for high-resolution soft-tissue diagnosis, France (July 25th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LP3 (July 25th, 2023)
Open PhD position at the at Quantum Computing Technology Group of the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), a public consortium of Generalitat de Catalunya and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (July 25th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UAB (July 25th, 2023)
Open PhD positions at Valencia University and Maxlinear in Valencia under DN MSCA OWIN6G "Optical and WIreless sensors Networks for 6G scenarios" (Spain) (June 23rd, 2023).
For more information see the links below:
PhD Studentship: Engineering the properties of coherent light sources for in situ diagnostic and intervention in surgical robotics (University of Sussex, UK) (June 23rd, 2023).
For more information see the links below:
Post doctoral position in ultrafast optics at Lund University, Sweden (June 23rd, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
PhD position on nano-electro-opto-mechanical systems (NEOMS) at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (June 23rd, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UV (June 23rd, 2022)
Up to 12 PhD positions available at ICFO, Barcelona-Spain (June 23rd, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (June 23rd, 2022)
STATUS EMA PARTNERS is looking for an optical engineer to work in a company of the automotive sector (June 22nd, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer STATUS (June 22nd, 2022)
The CD6, a research and innovation center of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is currently offering an optical engineer position, to work in R&D projects developed in the center in the research lines on visual optics and spectral imaging technology (June 14th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CD6 (June 14th, 2022)
MTB is looking for sales engineers / technicians to work in lasers and spectroscopy, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer MTB1 (May 12th, 2023)
Job Offer MTB2 (May 12th, 2023)
Post-Doc Position on Theory of Structured Attosecond Pulses Applied to Ultrafast Magnetism, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
For more information see the links below:
Open positions at Arquimea, Tenerife, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
For more information see the link below (contact::
Junior Photonics Scientist/Engineer
Open positions at CLPU - Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Salamanca, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
Open Pre-Doc and Post-doc research positions at Prof. Pablo Artal’s Optics Laboratory, Murcia University, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer LOUM (May 12th, 2023)
Open positions at CLPU - Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Salamanca, Spain (May 12th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
Open positions at the Quantum Nanophotonics Laboratory (San Sebastian, Spain) (May 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer QUANTUM (May 12th, 2023)
Research associate position at the institute of physics of the Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, to work in ultrafast quantum dynamics in structured laser fields (April 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer HALLE (April 12th, 2023)
AIMEN is looking for an engineer to work in laser microprocessing, Spain (April 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer AIMEN (April 12th, 2023)
HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS is looking for a support engineer, Spain (April 12th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer HAMAMATSU (April 12th, 2023)
Open PhD position in CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (France) to work in synchronization in non-Hermitian networks of photonic crystal nanocavities (April 12th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CNRS (April 12th, 2023)
11 doctoral candidate (DC) positions for MSCA Doctoral Network CONcISE, Computational imaging as training network for smart biomedical devices (April 12th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CONcISE (April 12th, 2023)
Open Pre-Doc positions at Universidad de Zaragoza for iberoamerican and equatoguinean students (March 10th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UZ (March 10th, 2023)
Open positions to work in the project "HIGH SPEED VISUAL ACUITY SIMULATION FOR FREE-FORM OPHTHALMIC LENS OPTIMIZATION (VAS)”, led by Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the IOT company (March 10th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer UCM-IOT (March 10th, 2023)
Postdoctoral researcher position at MISTRAL, ALBA SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain) to be part of an interdisciplinary team operating a state-of-the-art Transmission soft X-ray Microscope (March 1st, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
Open positions (quantum engineers) at Gradiant, Spain (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the links below:
Open positions at the Group of Displays and Photonic Applications of the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid-Spain (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the links below:
FYLA LASER, a leading company in the field of supercontinuum and ultrafast fiber lasers is seeking a Laser Technician to join our R&D team in High Power Fiber Lasers, in Valencia, Spain (February 1th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer FYLA (February 1st, 2023)
Postdoctoral Researcher Position Available at CSIC, Madrid (Spain), to work in the evaluation of the optical properties of materials and glazing systems for energy efficiency and daylight control in buildings (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
OPUS RSE, an European company based in Madrid (Spain), leader in the sector of real-time emissions monitoring and road traffic characterization with the use of Remote Sensing technology (RSD) is searching a Laser Spectroscopy Specialist (February 1th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer OPUS (February 1th, 2023)
Open position at the R&D Lab. of the Grupo de Ingeniería Fotónica de la Universidad de Cantabria, Spain (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the link below:
The Laboratorio de Óptica Visual y Biofotónica (VioBio Lab) del Instituto de Óptica del CSIC is looking for candidates with a background in microscopy and imaging technologies (Madrid, Spain) (February 1th, 2023).
More information here:
Job Offer VioBio Lab (February 1th, 2023)
Squemtech, a spin-off company from the Hosten group at ISTA (Austria), is looking for Photonics Engineers (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Squemtech (February 1th, 2023)
Internship offered by the Pro-Lite Technology Iberia company (Barcelona, Spain) (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Pro-Lite (February 1th, 2023)
Open pre-doc positions at ICFO (Spain) (February 1th, 2023).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (February 1th, 2023)
The CD6, a research and innovation center of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is currently offering an optical engineer position, to work in an R+D project focused on the development of an innovative compact near-eye display optical system for augmented and virtual reality glasses (December 13th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CD6 (December 13th, 2022)
ASE Optics Europe, a company based in the city of Barcelona, is looking for an optical design engineer with interests in applied optical design in imaging and non-imaging systems to complement their technical team (Spain) (December 16th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ASE (December 16th, 2022)
ARQUIMEA Research Center is looking for a Photonics Characterization Engineer (Spain) (December 16th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ARCH (December 16th, 2022)
ILOF.TECH is looking for an Experienced Research Scientist | BioPhotonics | Physicist to join their team and work in personalized medicine (Spain) (December 16th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IOLF (December 16th, 2022)
Open Pre-Doc position at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia to work in stabilisation of opto-mechanical frequency combs from a dual approach combining theory and state of the art experiments (December 16th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPV (December 16th, 2022)
Open calls at the Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Salamanca, Spain (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
Open Pre-Doc position at Max Planck Institute to work in quantum and non-linear optics (Germany) (December 5th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer MPI (December 5th, 2022)
2EyesVision, a company working in solutions to correct presbyopia and cataracts, is looking for a researcher in Optometry, Ophthalmology, and Vision Science (PhD required) (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
The Grupo de Procesado por Láser (GPL) del Instituto de Óptica del CSIC, Spain, is seeking for a researcher for a 2-years project (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (December 1st, 2022)
PhD position in experimental photonics at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UIB (December 1st, 2022)
Scientist position for cryo correlative bio-imaging at the MISTRAL beamline (ALBA, Spanish national synchrotron light source) (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
The photovoltaic materials group in the Applied Physics Department at the University Autonoma of Madrid (UAM), Spain, is seeking a postdoc researcher interested in the synthesis and characterization of inorganic earth-abundant materials for photovoltaic solar cells (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UAM (December 1st, 2022)
The Functional NanoBioMaterials Group of the University of Vigo (Spain) offers a PhD contract for 1 year with a potential extension to 2 years (December 1st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UVIGO (November 21st, 2022)
IRIS, an advanced engineering specialized in process monitoring and control solutions, is looking for an Optical Engineer to work in design of optical/optomechanical systems in new product development in an R+D environment, Barcelona, Spain (November 21st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IRIS (November 21st, 2022)
2 PhD contracts in 3D laser micro-nano-structuring of advanced optical fibers for optofluidics at the Universidad de La Laguna, Spain (November 21th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ULL (November 21st, 2022)
Predoctoral Researcher Position available at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) to work in nano-electro-opto-mechanical systems (November 21th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPV (November 21st, 2022)
Predoctoral Researcher Position available at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona ICMAB -CSIC (Spain) to work in Photonic Nanostructures (November 21th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICMAB (November 21st, 2022)
Postdoctoral Researcher Position Available at Lille (France) to work in generation of triple frequency combs in all fiber systems (November 21st, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain, is looking for an electro-optical engineer to work in medical technologies (November 21st, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
Open position at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, to work in the Grupo de Displays y Aplicaciones Fotónicas (November 21st, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
photonicSENS ( (Spain) is looking for an optical engineer (October 11th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer PHOTSENS (September 12th, 2022)
Open positions at QANT, a company developing novel sensors and photonic computing chips based on a Quantum Photonic Framework, Germany (October 11th, 2022).
For more information see the links below:
Internships for Undergraduate & Masters Students – Fall2022 at ICFO (October 11th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (October 11th, 2022)
Predoctoral Researcher Position available at Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain) to work in the project “Structured Light: Fundamentals, Devices and Applications” (October 11th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UMH (October 11th, 2022)
Research position assistant at the Grupo de Procesado por Láser del Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (September 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (September 29th, 2022)
Postdoctoral Researcher Positions Available at Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) to develop new modalities mostly for eye imaging (September 12th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer NCU (September 12th, 2022)
Open W3/W2TTW3-professorship for Optical System Design at the University of Jena, Germany (September 12th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer JENA (September 12th, 2022)
Open pre-doc positions at ICFO (Spain) (September 12th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (September 12th, 2022)
Sirah GmbH (Germany) is looking for a physicist who has worked in the lab with tunable pulsed or CW lasers (September 12th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer SIRAH (September 12th, 2022)
Open position at Fundació i2cat (Spain) to work as a Junior Research in the field of Quantum Security for Internet and Satellite Communications (September 12th, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
Open Pre-Doc position at Prof. Cristina Masoller’s Laboratory at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya to work in non-linear optics, complex systems, neural networks, etc. (Spain) (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
The Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Laintec, A.I.E. (Spain) is looking for an optical engineer to work in optical design of illumination systems (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AIE (July 29th, 2022)
Atto2d is looking for a PhD student and a postdoctoral appointee to work in "Light-induced non-equilibrium dynamics in two-dimensional materials" and "Resolving local chemical bonds changes" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Antonio Picón at University Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ATTO (July 29th, 2022)
International contact lens manufacturing company is looking for an Optometrist to work as Researcher within the R&D New Products Development and Clinical Trials department (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer MARK (July 29th, 2022)
Position in the “Photonics Research Labs” ITEAM, at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, to work in the analysis and synthesis of gratings in SDM fibers (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPV (July 29th, 2022)
Horizons Optical, a company leader in the ophthalmic optics field located in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona area, Spain), is looking for a researcher with a Physics or similar Degree and a strong background in Optics for the R&D Department (July 29th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer HORIZONS (July 29th, 2022)
Open postdoc position at the Open Innovation Laboratory, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia-IBEC (Barcelona, Spain) to develop a new optical system to study human embryos (June 20th, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
Two-year postdoctoral position at IFISC (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, CSIC-UIB), a member of the Units of Excellence (María de Maeztu) of cutting-edge research centres in Spain (April 13th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IFISC (April 13th, 2022)
Open Pre-Doc and Post-doc research positions at Prof. Pablo Artal’s Optics Laboratory in Murcia University, Spain (April 13th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LOUM (April 13th, 2022)
Open postdoc position in LP3-CNRS Marseille (France) to work on the application of laser processes for tissue engineering (April 13th, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
The Institute of Optics of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid, Spain) is looking for a candidate with a background in single-photon detectors to work in a new facility to characterize and calibrate sources and detectors that work within the "single-photon" regime (April 13th, 2022).
For more information contact Alejandro Ferrero ( or Joaquín Campos (
FYLA, a company located in Paterna-Valencia (Spain) and working in fiber lasers and solutions for the scientific and industrial markets, is looking for a Junior Sales Engineer to support and promote sales around the world (April 13th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer FYLA (April 13th, 2022)
The Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona, Spain) is looking for a junior researcher to work in microscopy and deep learning. The position will be open from mid June to October (March 23rd, 2022).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer HSJD (March 23rd, 2022)
IMO, an internationally recognized ophthalmic clinic with the most advanced technology and expertise in ocular health, is looking for a junior researcher to work in data analysis (Barcelona, Spain) (March 14th, 2022).
For more information see the link below:
IRIS, an advanced engineering specialized in process monitoring and control solutions, is looking for an Optical Engineer to work in design of optical/optomechanical systems in new product development in an R+D environment, Barcelona, Spain (February 16th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document and send the CV to
Job Offer IRIS (February 16th, 2022)
Open PhD position in photonics, in the Applied optics Group, Unversity of Kent, UK (January 20th, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer uk (January 20th, 2022)
Open postdoc position at the University of California, Davis, to work in applied metamaterials at THz and IR frequencies, USA (January 20th, 2022, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UCA (January 20th, 2022)
Huawei Paris Research Centre is looking for Research Engineers to work in optical communications, Paris, France (January 20th, 2022).
More information here:
Job Offer Huawei 1 (January 20th, 2022)
Job Offer Huawei 2 (January 20th, 2022)
Open postdoc position at the Institute d'Optique to work in "Ultra low noise laser and optical levitation", Talence, France (January 20th, 2022, 2022).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IO (January 20th, 2022)
CUI Female Talent PhD Fellowship - Hamburg University, Germany (January 19th, 2022).
More information here:
Job Offer Hamburg University (January 19th, 2022)
ProCareLight is looking for a technician to work in the field of laser safety (Spain) (January 17th, 2022).
More information here:
Job Offer ProCareLight (January 17th, 2022)
More than 10 PhD-fellowships available within the ICFO PhD Program (Spring 2022) (Barcelona, Spain) (December 22nd, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (December 22nd, 2021)
AJL Ophthalmic S.A., a company that designs and manufactures intraocular implants, needs to incorporate a product technician with a background in optics and optometry (Álava, Spain) (December 22nd, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AJL (December 22nd, 2021)
SnellOptics, an optical engineering company founded in 2003, is looking for a Computer Optical Engineer for Photonics automotive applications interested in joining our team in Terrassa, Barcelona (December 21st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer SNELL (December 21st, 2021)
Wooptix S.L., a Spin-Off company of the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain) is looking for an optical engineer to work on the Phemet instrument (a high resolution metrology instrument) that the company is currently developing (December 21st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer WOOPTIX (December 21st, 2021)
ThePaperMill, a Barcelona-based scientific consultancy, looks for a Scientific Grant Consultant to helping researchers prepare outstanding EU-level grant applications (Barcelona, Spain) (December 21st, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Internship position (Optical laboratory engineer technician) to work in ASE OPTICS Europe, Barcelona, Spain (November 21th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ASE (November 21st, 2021)
Open PhD position to work in the project “Sistema de monitorización para la protección y mantenimiento predictivo de insfraestructuras de cable submarino (PSI)” offered by the Photonics Engineering Group of the University of Alcalá, Spain (October 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ALC (October 27th, 2021)
BIOHERENT, a company based in Málaga (Spain) manufacturing photonic biosensors for medical diagnosis, is seeking candidates to work as photonic engineers (October 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached documents:
Postdoc or Research Engineer post in Mecatronics/Photonics at IMT Atlantique, France (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IMT (September 30th, 2021)
Technological expert position to work in optical communications at INDRA, Spain (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer INDRA (September 30th, 2021)
Open PhD position to work in Quantum Metamaterials (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain) (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPNA (September 30th, 2021)
CLPU (Centro de Láseres Pulsados), Salamanca (Spain), is seeking technicians to work with lasers and radioprotection (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Robert Walters is seeking candidates to work in artificial vision and optical metrology, Spain (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer RW1 (September 30th, 2021)
Job Offer RW2 (September 30th, 2021)
Several PhD and Postdoc positions within the Project NanoQuCo (, a R+D Synergy Grant on New Emerging Scientific Fields from the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (September 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer NanoQuCo (September 30th, 2021)
Open PhD position to work in the Nanoparticles Trapping Laboratory (University of Granada, Spain) (September 22nd, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UGR (September 22nd, 2021)
Postdoctoral researcher position at the X-ray Optics Laboratory (ALBA SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain) (September 21th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Two pre-doctoral scholarships to work on the optimization of photopolymers for holographic registration and on the development of holographic optical elements for use with polychromatic light (Dr. Suzanne Martin, Dublin University of Technology, Ireland) (September 20th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Postdoc position to work in the the field of ultrashort pulses in the Research Group on Applications of Laser and Photonics of the University of Salamanca, Spain (September 20th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
The Institute of Integrated Photonics (IPH), RWTH Aachen University (Germany), is seeking to fill 2 doctoral researcher positions for the project “HiPEQ – Highly Integrated PIC based External Cavity Laser Sources for Quantum Technology Applications ” (September 3rd, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IPH (September 3rd, 2021)
ARQUIMEA, a private Research Center (ARC) at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife (Spain) is looking for a photonics researcher (August 31th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
The Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) offers a position to develop superconducting quantum sensors working at very low temperatures for ultralight dark matter search, Spain (August 31th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICMAB (August 3ath, 2021)
Goda Lab at The University of Tokyo (Japan) is looking for applicants to join their research group under the framwork of JSPS Fellowship funds both PhD students or postdoctoral researchers (August 31th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer GODA (August 3ath, 2021)
Azalea Vision, a venture-backed startup and spin-off from IMEC and Ghent University, is looking for an optical design engineer, Belgium (August 30th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AZALEA VISION (August 30th, 2021)
Industrial PhD position at Inmersia Computers / CD6-UPC (Barcelona, Spain) to work in the development of novel compact optical systems for augment and virtual reality glasses for everyday use (July 29th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Inmersia (July 29th, 2021)
The University of Salamanca (Spain) invites applications for a 3-years postdoc position starting in October/November 2021. The position is part of the project ATTOSTRUCTURA, “Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience”, funded by the European Research Council (ERC)(July 27th, 2021).
For more information see the links below:
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain, is looking for an optical engineer (July 27th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position in Ultrafast Optics at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapur (July 20th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Nanyang (July 20th, 2021)
Open PhD position in organic photovoltaics at ICMAB- Institute of Mateirals Science of Barcelona, Spain (July 19th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICMAB (July 19th, 2021)
Open PhD position in "Image-guided Devices for Ophthalmic Care at the International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER), Poland (June 7th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICTER (July 2nd, 2021)
The CD6, a research center of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Terrassa-Barcelona, Spain) operating in the field of optics and photonics engineering, is looking for a technical project leader and a pre-doctoral technician in advanced optical instrumentation (July 2nd, 2021).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer CD6 Leader (July 2nd, 2021)
Job Offer CD6 Predoc (July 2nd, 2021)
FYLA, a company creating and commercializing laser technology, is looking for a Junior Content Strategist & Laser Product Marketer (June 29th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
The Advanced Optical Technologies Department of the Institute of Material Research and Engineering (IMRE) in Singapore is looking for a junior researcher with a strong expertise in nanooptics theory and simulations to fill a scientist position (June 29th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
The University of Dundee (UK) and Optos PLC (a Nikon company) are looking for an EngD research student to develop a new OCT technique for retinal imaging (June 14th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
The optics research group of Universitat Jaume I (GROC·UJI), in Castellón, Spain, announces a Santiago Grisolía predoctoral scholarship financed by Generalitat Valenciana to work in the spatio-temporal characterization of ultrashort light pulses with structured illumination techniques with applications in microscopy and material processing (June 7th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UJI (June 7th, 2021)
Joint PhD position offered by the Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT) group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, Belgium) and the Physics Institute of Cantabria at the University of Cantabria (Spain) to work in photonic integrated circuits research (June 7th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer VUB (June 7th, 2021)
PhD Studentship (3 years) to work in "Theory and numerical simulation of optical frequency comb generation in nonlinear resonators" at Aston University, UK (June 7th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position in "Wavefront engineering using liquid crystal devices for advanced applications in holography and photonics" at the University of Alicante, Spain (June 7th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
JAE INTRO ICU 2020 scholarships for young researchers at Institute of Space Sciences - ICE-CSIC, Spain (June 1st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICE-CSIC (June 1st, 2021)
Post-Doc position at the Physics Department of the Politecnico di Milano, Milan – Italy (June 1st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer MILANO (June 1st, 2021)
Summer scholarships for inititation to research at GROC · UJI (Universitat Jaume I), Spain (June 1st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer GROC (June 1st, 2021)
Postdoc position to work in the project "Laser polarization-controlled crystallization and orientation of nonlinear optical nanocrystals in multicomponent glasses using a femtosecond laser for photonic applications" (Université Paris-Saclay, France) (June 1st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPS (June 1st, 2021)
Postdoc position to work on the topic "Fourier Ptychography Microscopy for in-situ microstructured surface characterization" at Laboratoire Hubert Curien (St. Etienne, France) (May 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LHC (May 27th, 2021)
Open PhD position on “Novel silicon photonic devices enabled by disruptive materials” at NTC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (May 17th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPV (May 27th, 2021)
LAINTEC is looking for an optical design engineer, Spain (May 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LAINTEC (May 27th, 2021)
PhD positions available at the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial “ESTEBAN TERRADAS” (INTA), Spain (May 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer INTA (May 27th, 2021)
PhD Scholarship position in the Plasma Spectroscopy Laboratory at the University of Valladolid, Spain (May 17th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UNIVALL (May 17th, 2021)
Assistant Lecturer Position at the Departamento de FÍSICA APLICADA, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain (May 17th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UNIZAR (May 17th, 2021)
Open PhD position (Ref: 2021/D/LD/CC/7) at the Optics Group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (Spain) to work in the field of polarimetry and biomedical photonics (May 17th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
SPIE@ICFO María Yzuel Fellowship Awards to attract outstanding female students to conduct a research internship, Bachelor or Master Thesis with an ICFO research group, Barcelona, Spain (May 6th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (May 6th, 2021)
Open PhD position at the Electronics Engineering Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (Spain) to work in The modelization and the experimental study of novel nano-optoelectromechanical systems (NOEMS) based on 2D-materials (May 6th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Open posdoc position at the Université de Bordeaux (France) to work in the field of Visible&UV lasers based on Neodymium doped fibers (May 6th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Open PhD position at the Nanophotonics Technology Center of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) to work in plasmonics and optomechanics (May 6th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position at the Universidad de Valencia (Spain) to work in the field of microwave photonics with optomechanical cavities (May 6th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
PhD position in the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules – UMR 8523, Université de Lille (France), on the topic of doped silica and optical fibers for pulsed radiotherapy dosimetry (April 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer U. Lille (April 27th, 2021)Applied Physics Department of the University of Zaragoza is seeking candidates to participate in the call for PhD scholarships offered by the University of Zaragoza in collaboration with Banco Santander. The topic is supercontinuous generation and parametric amplification with pulsed femtosecond laser based on fiber optics (April 21st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Unizar (April 21st, 2021)Laser sales engineer at Radiantis, located in Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain), a highly innovative and dynamic company, expert in state-of-the-art lasers and frequency converters (April 21st, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Radiantis (April 21st, 2021)PhD position in ARTEMIS Lab, Nice (France), on the topics of laser interferometry and frequency metrology (April 21st, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Open positions to work in Arquimea Research Center (Tenerife, Spain) in the fields of photonics and quantum technology (March 25th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Open positionS to work in the EU project IMPULSE (Integrated Management and reliable oPerations for User-based Laser Scientific Excellence) at CLPU (Centro de Láseres Pulsados), Villamayor, Salamanca (March 25th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
PhD positions at EYE ITN project, funded by the EC within the H2020 programme European network (March 25th, 2021).
Further particulars on this can be found in the links below:
ESR 1: New Optical design:
ESR 2: New Contact Lens Materials:
ESR 3: Development and validation of the presbyopic contact lens Patient Reported Outcomes instrument (PRO instrument):
ESR 4: Computer modelling:
ESR 5: e-Health and Big Data:
Spanish candidates (although not mandatory by any means) could apply to the ESR 1, 2 and 3 offers, but those corresponding to ESR 4 and 5 require candidates who have been residing in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 36 months.
Two PhD candidates on laser micro processing of polymeric medical devices ate the University of Twente (The Netherlands) (March 15th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UT (March 15th, 2021)Postdoc position to work in a multidisciplinary team in different key applications of photonics with optical fibers at Universidad Carlos III Madrid (Spain) (March 15th, 2021).
Further particulars on this can be found in the link below:
PhD position in computational physics/chemistry/biochemistry at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) (March 15th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPC (March 15th, 2021)15 PhD positions at the ITN OBERON European network (March 15th, 2021).
Further particulars on this can be found in the link below:
PhD position in integrated photonics for spectral shaping at the Universidad de Málaga (Spain) (March 15th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UMA (March 15th, 2021)A researcher PostDoc contract for 1 year is offered (with possible extension to 1 year more) to work in DFT calculations with SIESTA software tool related to band structure and optical properties of phase change materials at Universidad de Cantabria (Spain) (March 15th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UNICAN (March 15th, 2021)HOFFMANN EITLE S.L.U., one of Europe’s best-regarded intellectual property specialists, is looking for someone with a strong background (BSc/Msc) in physics, bioengineering or similar to join the Madrid office (Spain) (February 24th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Hoffman (February 24th, 2021)AIMEN is looking for a physicist with a background in optics (Spain) (February 23rd, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AIMEN (February 23rd, 2021)Postoctoral position at the University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) for a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project in which a novel computational light-sheet microscope for biomedical imaging is under development (February 23rd, 2021).
Further particulars on this PDRA position can be found on the University of Dundee jobs page:,8921158702
Open research position at the LABORATORIO DE DINAMICA DE LASERES - UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA (UPC) (Terrassa, Barcelona) (February 15th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer UPC1 (February 15th, 2021)
PhD position at the LABORATORIO DE DINAMICA DE LASERES - UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNYA (UPC) (Terrassa, Barcelona) (February 15th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer UPC2 (February 15th, 2021)
Radiantis, located in Castelldefels (Barcelona), is aiming to hire a production and service laser engineer (February 8th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer RADIANTIS (February 8th, 2021)
Three PhD positions funded by a university doctoral contract at the Laser Physics Institute (Paris Nord University), in the field of ultra-cold atoms (February 7th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer LPL (February 7th, 2021)
EM&E, a company based in the city of Alcalá de Henares, is looking for an electrooptical engineer with a background in cameras, sensors, lasers and other electro-optical equipment, and acquired skills in the use of HW and SW resources (Spain) (January 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer EM&E (February 1st, 2021)
ASE Optics Europe, a company based in the city of Barcelona, is looking for an optical design engineer with interests in applied optical design in imaging and non-imaging systems to complement their technical team (Spain) (January 27th, 2021).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ASE (January 27th, 2021)
Project Manager position on H2020 ATTOSTRUCTURA ERC project at the University of Salamanca, Spain (January 27th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer USAL (January 27th, 2021)
Postdoctoral position available to join the scientific project financed by the CONACYT of Mexico (Basic Science project) entitled "Multidimensional methods of data processing in structured light projection systems". The project is being carried out at the Center for Research and Development of Digital Technology of the National Polytechnic Institute (CITEDI-IPN,, in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico (January 26th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer CITEDI (January 26th, 2021)
PhD positions available within the ENLIGHTEN fellowship program (H2021 MSCA- COFUND action) at ICFO (Spring Call 2021), Barcelona, Spain (January 26th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Postdoctoral position to work in transport and manipulation of particles in laser accelerators at CLPU (Centro de Láseres Pulsados), Villamayor, Salamanca (January 20th, 2021).
For more information see the link below:
Postdoctoral Scholar in Lighting Science at Oregon State University (USA) (January 7th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer OREGON (January 7th, 2021)
Laser Sales Engineer at FYLA (Spain) (January 7th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer FYLA (January 7th, 2021)
Research assistant position at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) to help in the development of numerical tools that model ultrafast spectroscopy experiments (January 7th, 2021).
More information here:
Job Offer UAM (January 7th, 2021)
ProCareLight is looking for a technician to work in the field of laser safety (Spain) (December 22nd, 2020).
More information here:
Job Offer ProCareLight (December 22nd, 2020)
Predoctoral Researcher on Photonic detection of cancer at Nanogune (Basque Country, Spain) (December 22th, 2020).
Additional information of the fellowships can be found here: Link
OPUS SRE (Madrid, Spain) is looking for a Senior Optical Engineer with expertise in developing free-space prototypes, high-speed acquisition and control systems (December 22nd, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer OPUS (December 22nd, 2020)
Open positons for a PhD student / Post doctorate associate (with a background in solid state physics, electronic calculations, quantum optics, theoretical electrodynamics or numerical analysis) at Ben Gurion University, in Israel (December 22nd, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ALCYON (December 22nd, 2020)
ALCYON PHOTONICS S.L., a startup located in Madrid (Spain), is looking for a candidate to work on the design of high-performance Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs), increasingly demanded for application in many different fields such as optical communications, computing or sensing company (December 21st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ALCYON (December 21st, 2020)
Ph.D. positions available in the Research Training Group GRK 2642 “Towards Graduate Experts in Photonic Quantum Technologies (Stuttgart, Germany) (December 21st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer STUT (December 21st, 2020)
Doctoral Researcher Position at the Institute of Integrated Photonics of RWTH Aachen University (Germany) focused on the design and implementation of a chip-scale integrated test platform for a novel optically assisted electroretinography measurement technology with sub-cellular resolution (December 21st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AACH (December 21st, 2020)
Marie-Sklodowska Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position at the University of Birmingham (UK), College Of Engineering And Physical Sciences School Of Physics And Astronomy, to work on cutting edge projects developing novel concepts relevant to metrology and fundamental science (December 21st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer BIR (December 21st, 2020)
The High Energy Physics Group at Imperial College London invites applications for a Research Associate position (UK) (December 21st, 2020).
Additional information of the fellowships can be found here: Link
Marie-Sklodowska Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position at the University of Birmingham (UK), College Of Engineering And Physical Sciences School Of Physics And Astronomy, to work on cutting edge projects developing novel concepts relevant to metrology and fundamental science (December 21st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer BIR (December 21st, 2020)
AJL Ophthalmic S.A., a company that designs and manufactures intraocular lenses is looking for a technician (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AJL (December 18th, 2020)
Post-doc Position in Laser Implant, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (LabHC), Université Jean Monnet (UJM), St-Etienne, France (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LASER (December 18th, 2020)
PhD students and Postdocs at Chalmers for research on VCSEL-based optical interconnects (Sweden) (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Chalmers (December 18th, 2020)
FPU PhD position available at the Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés, CSIC (Madrid, Spain) (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (December 18th, 2020)
Job openings at Physics Department at the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy (December 18th, 2020).
Additional information of the fellowships can be found here: Link
FYLA LASER, a leading company in the field of supercontinuum and ultrafast fiber lasers is seeking a PhD Laser Scientist to join the research team in High Power Fiber Lasers (Paterna, Spain) (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer FYLA (December 18th, 2020)
Robert Walters Consultants are looking for an Optical Enginner / Physicist (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer RW (December 18th, 2020)
Several immediate postdoc and PhD positions available in the OPIRA laboratory in the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), USA (UAM), Spain, to investigate in the fields of photoacoustic and optical imaging, image analysis, pattern recognition and machine learning (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UIC (December 18th, 2020)
A post-doc position is available at the Faculty of Science of University Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain, to investigate the correlated electron dynamics induced by attosecond laser pulses and strong electromagnetic fields on atoms and small molecules (December 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UAM (December 18th, 2020)
Several PhD positions are available at the Integrated Optical Systems group of the University of Twente (The Netherlands), part of the Optical Sciences chair and associated to the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology (December 18th, 2020).
Additional information of the fellowships can be found here: Link
Two positions as Industrial Ph.D. are being offered by Lasing S.A., Madrid-Spain, with the supervision from Professors Quintana and Geday from the Applied Photonics Group, ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Desember 18th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LASING (December 18th, 2020)
Deneb Medical is a start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) focused in the development of a novel surgical robot. The company is looking for a Photonics Engineer (November 3rd, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DENEB (September 10th, 2020)
8 PhD / Postdoctoral Positions in Nano & Quantum Optics at the Abbe Center of Photonics (Jena, Germany) (November 3rd, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ABBE (November 3rd, 2020)
Postdoctoral position in experimental integrated photonics at Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain (November 3rd, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPNA (November 3rd, 2020)
PhD Position in Photonic Nanostructures for Thermal Engineering Applications at Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain (October 29th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPNA (October 29th, 2020)
Two openings for postdocs and a PhD student at Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Germany (October 28th, 2020).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer UB1 (October 28th, 2020)
Job Offer UB2 (October 28th, 2020)
Job Offer UB3 (October 28th, 2020)
Open postdoc position at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), located in Barcelona, Spain, to work in the project "Topological bosonics: design and optimization of topological materials" (October 28th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICN2 (October 28th, 2020)
Open PhD position in theoretical/computational Physics “Forces induced by artificial random light fields” (Physics department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland) (October 28th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer FRIBOURG (October 28th, 2020)
Open PhD position at the DONLL Lab (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya to work in the project “Smart management of Light and Sound waves by Metamaterials, Metasurfaces and non‐Hermitian systems (SMARTWAVES)" (Terrassa-Barcelona, Spain) (October 15th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPC (October 15th, 2020)
Open PhD position at the Laboratorio de Ingeniería Fotónica (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain) to work in the project “Dispositivos y Sistemas Fotónicos Sensores para Estructuras Inteligentes y Evaluación no Destructiva I " (October 14th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UCAN (October 14th, 2020)
Open PhD position at the Graphics & Imaging Lab (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) to work in the project VIRTUALIGHT: Óptica virtual para imagen transitoria (October 14th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UZAR (October 14th, 2020)
Open PhD position at Intituto de Óptica to investigate the transfer of energy and momentum at the nanoscale mediated by the quantum and thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field (CSIC, Madrid, Spain) (October 9th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (October 9th, 2020)
UMA (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) offers a PhD fellowship linked to research project PIVOS- SMART SPRAYING FOR SUSTAINABLE VINEYARD AND OLIVE GROVE financed by Ministry of Science and Innovation - State Agency for Innovation. Detailed information in the attached document (October 8th, 2020).
Job Offer UMA-UPC (October 8th, 2020)
Wooptix S.L. (San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain) is looking for an Optical Engineer (October 8th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Wooptix (October 8th, 2020)
Open PhD position at LOUM (Laboratorio de Óptica de la Universidad de Murcia, Spain) (October 8th, 2020).
For more information contact Prof. Pablo Artal at:
Additional information of the fellowship can be found here: Link
Open PhD position at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) to work in the field of nanophotonics and microoptics alongwith the Optics Group (October 8th, 2020).
For more information contact Prof. Javier Alda at:, or Prof. Luis Miguel Sánchez-Brea at:
Additional information of the fellowship can be found here: Link
Open PhD position at the Universidad de Valencia (Spain) to work in the field of optical fibers (October 8th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UV (October 8th, 2020)
Iberoptics, a company working in the fields of photonics (Madrid, Spain), is looking for a candidate to join the sales team to cover the applications of artificial vision and image (October 8th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Iberoptics (October 8th, 2020)
AIMEN - Centro Tecnológico (Spain) is aiming to hire a junior technician to work in the field of sensors based on optical fibers (October 8th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Aimen (October 8th, 2020)
Permanent position in Astronomical Instrumentation (AI) at the Universidad Católica de Chile (October 7th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Chile (October 7th, 2020)
ZEISS Vision Science Lab Tübingen (Aalen, Germany) is seeking students who want to join the development of next generation advanced optical instruments for vision research in the framework of Masterthesis and/or Internship Optical System Engineering (October 6th, 2020).
Additional information of the positions can be found here:
Radiantis, located in Castelldefels (Barcelona), is aiming to hire a production and service laser engineer for the delivery of advanced laser systems to customers (October 6th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer RADIANTIS (October 6th, 2020)
7 Open PhD fellowhip positions to work at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain (September 17th, 2020).
Additional information of the positions can be found here:
The Institute for Gravitational Physics (IGP), Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, is seeking candidates to fill two positions (September 15th, 2020).
Areas of interest include precision laser interferometry at low frequencies, optomechanics, inertial sensing, quantum optics, and space technologies. The positions are available now and will remain open until Sept 30th. Further information through the following links:
PhD grant at ICMAB (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain (September 14th, 2020).
Additional information of the position can be found here:
SENSOFAR, a leading-edge technological company in the field of surface metrology, is looking for a qualified candidate (applications specialist) interested in joining the Sales Team located in Terrassa, Barcelona area (September 1st, 2020).
Additional information of the position can be found here:
Deneb Medical is a start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) focused in the development of a novel surgical robot. The company is looking for a Photonics Engineer (September 10th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DENEB (September 10th, 2020)
Open PhD fellowhip position to explore novel interactions between light and molecules in nanoenvironments, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light - Germany (September 1st, 2020).
Additional information of the position can be found here:
PhD Fellowship Position in 3D Laser Nanostructuring and Fabrication of Photonic Sensors (Spain) (September 1st, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ULL (September 1st, 2020)
The Color Imaging Lab (University of Granada, Spain) is seeking for candidates to apply in the talent programme EMERGIA (Deadline August 11th, 2020).
Candidates must hold a PhD degree obtained not earlier than 5 nor later than 12 years before this call. A minimum gross salary of 35,000 EUR per year is established for the selected researchers. The researcher and the host institution are free to agree a higher remuneration. An additional contribution of up to 160,000 EUR for research costs may be granted
For more information contact: prof. Javier Hernández Andrés,
The IAA-CSIC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía) is looking for an optical engineer (Spain) (July 30th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IAA (July 30th, 2020)
Graduate or Post-Doc position on Integration of Lasers in Silicon Photonic Platform at POLITECNICO DI TORINO (Italy) (July 16th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer TORINO (July 16th, 2020)
Deneb Medical is a start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) focused in the development of a novel surgical robot. The company is looking for an Optical Engineer (July 16th, 2020).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DENEB (July 16th, 2020)
Vacancies at CLPU (Centro de Láseres Pulsados) (Salamanca) (July 16th, 2020).
Additional information of the positions can be found here:
Iberoptics (Spain) is looking for Field Sales Executors with a background in optics and photonics to work in Portugal/Galicia and Catalunya/Aragón/Baleares/Valencia (July 16th, 2020).
More information about the positions can be found at:
Job IBEROPTICS1 (July 16th, 2020)
Job IBEROPTICS2 (July 16th, 2020)
PhD fellowship in Cerema Clermont-Ferrand, France, to work in the project "Autonomous VEhicle uNder difficult CondiTions in partially Unknown Road Environment (AVENTURE)" (July 16th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
IUL.S.A. is looking for an Imaging Systems Developer to work in the development of instruments for clinical tests and biological sample handling (Spain) (July 16th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
One PhD student will be recruited by the Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), in the framework of the MSCA ITN project MUSIQ ( The task of the student is to perform experimental work on advanced time-resolved spectroscopy of organic systems (July 7th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
PhD offer: a spin-photon interface for quantum entanglement and quantum logic operations (Univerité de Paris, France) (July 6th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job Univ. Paris (July 7th, 2020)
CSIC-Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés is looking for a candidate to carry out an industrial PhD in the field of hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence (Spain) (July 6th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
LIM Global is looking for an Optical Engineer to work in the field of biomedical optics in a Madrid-based start-up medical device company (Spain) (July 6th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job LIM Global (July 7th, 2020)
Industrial PhD offered by the ALCYON PHOTONICS S.L. company, located in Madrid (Spain) (June 30th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Attosecond and Ultrafast Optics Group of the the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid is looking for talented and motivated students that will be interested in i) Attosecond science in condensed-matter systems, or ii) Atomic, molecular, and optical physics at XFEL facilities to apply for 2 PhD fellowships (submissions between 22 of June and 6 of July, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
Additional information (in Spanish) can be found here:
Open PhD student position in “Design and fabrication of a geometric phase elements for optical polarimetry” to join TecnOPTO Lab, Universidad Miguel Hernández in Elche (UMH), Spain (June 19th, 2020)
More information about the position can be found at:
Open PhD student position in “Design and fabrication of a geometric phase elements for optical polarimetry” to join TecnOPTO Lab, Universidad Miguel Hernández in Elche (UMH), Spain (June 19th, 2020)
More information about the position can be found at:
The Quantum Sensors Group - STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL Space, UK) is looking for a Cold Atoms Research Engineer (Deadline for application: 29th July 2020)
More information about the position can be found at:
Open Pre-Doc position at the Optics Research Group of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain) (June 16th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
14 open interships for university students in ALBA SYNCHROTRON in Physics, electronic engineering, informatics, mathematics, telecommunications, etc. for the course 20-21 (Barcelona, Spain) (Deadline: 21st June 2020)
More information about the positions can be found at:
Open Pre-Doc and Post-doc research positions at Prof. Pablo Artal’s Optics Laboratory in Murcia University, Spain (June 15th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
PhD grant offered by the group of Bioengineering in Reproductive Health Research Group del IBEC (Barcelona, Spain) (June 8th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
A PhD position is opened in the Quantum and Atom Optics Group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The deadline for the application is 11th of June 2020.
More information about the position can be found at:
Or contact Veronica Ahufinger at
Postdoc position at the University of Granada (Spain) to work in the Color Imaging Lab (June 2nd, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
The University of Barcelona is looking for a Junior Data Scientist with skills in Python programming, Spain (June 2nd, 2020).
More information at:
Open position for a tenure-track researcher at CWI ( within our Distributed & Interactive Systems (DIS) group (, The Netherlands (May 14th, 2020).
You can find details about the position and application procedure here:
The company Horizons Optical is looking for an ophthalmic lens designer, Spain (May 14th, 2020).
More information at:
The Optics Group of the University of Cantabria is looking for an Early Stage Researcher to work on numerical and theoretical research in Optical Devices with Reconfigurable Materials within the FET-OPEN project “PHEMTRONICS”, Spain (May 14th, 2020).
For additional details, please contact Prof. Fernando Moreno below and/or send CV to Student Position on Theory of Structured Attosecond Pulses Applied to Ultrafast Magnetism in the University of Salamanca, Spain (May 14th, 2020).
More information at:
The Bioengineering in Reproductive Health Group is currently looking to hire students with engineering/ physics / optics or similar background for a PhD position, Spain (April 29th, 2020).
More information at:
The company PhotonicSens is looking for two optical designers, Spain (April 22th, 2020).
More information about the positions can be found at:
Job Optical Designer Junior (April 22th, 2020)
Job Optical Designer Senior (April 22th, 2020)
2 PhD grants at the School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, UK, supported by the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network scheme. The deadline for the application is in one month (March 17th, 2020).
More information at:
Two PhD positions available at the Integrated Quantum Optics Group (Dr. Christine Silberhorn) in Paderborn (Germany) to work in the EU project QuantERA (March 10th, 2020).
More information at:
R&D position available at the Grupo de Procesado por Láser (GPL) of the Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Madrid, Spain) to work in a EU project (March 10th, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
Master thesis and PhD offered in the framework of a US (California) - Catalan agreement (March 10th, 2020).
More information at:
PhD grant on "Numerical optimization of ultrathin solar cells" at INRIA, close to Nice, France (March 10th, 2020).
More information at:
ICFO (The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, SPAIN) is currently offering 10+ fellowships within the ICFO International PhD Program (Spring 2020), to start doctoral studies in September-December 2020 (February 25th, 2020).
Detailed information about the PhD-program is available at
More information at: (Deadline for application is March 1)
Post-doctoral research fellow to work on the development of novel fiber laser and new methods of light conversion for stimulated Raman microscopy for medical diagnosis of leukemia disease (February 17th, 2020).
More information at:
Job Warsaw (February 17th, 2020)
Two-months internship related to market investigation at Radiants Company (February 17th, 2020).
More information at:
Job Radiantis (February 17th, 2020)
R&D position available at the University of Granada (Spain) to work in the project "MEJORA AUTOMÁTICA DE IMÁGENES DEGRADADAS POR LA ATMÓSFERA CON TÉCNICAS MULTIESPECTRALES EN EL VISIBLE E INFRARROJO" (February 17th, 2020).
More information at:*/5592
Contact: Javier Hernández Andrés (
PhD position available at the Centro Láser of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) to work in laser bioprinting in the field of biomedicine (January 30th, 2020).
More information at:
Contact: Carlos Molpeceres (
Alcyon Photonics, a start-upc of the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) is looking for a candidate suitable to apply for an industrial doctorate (January 30st, 2020).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job Alcyon (January 30th, 2020)
The Optical Society of America (OSA) publishes regularly new job positions in the fields of optics and photonics (January 30th, 2020).
More information of new posts at: WORKinOPTICS.comPhD Student Fellowships available in Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium), Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT) in the framework of a MSCA Action, to work in the following topics: Design, fabrication and demonstration of an optofluidic chip for characterizing microplastics and Surface Plasmons Resonance (SPR) for the detection of microplastic particles (January 28th, 2020).
More information about the positions can be found at:
Postdoc position at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien, CNRS St-Etienne (France) to work in the field of laser processing with ultrashort pulses (December 19th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job St. Etienne (Desember 19th, 2019)
1-year predoctoral contract available at theInstituto de Estructura de la Materia (CSIC, Spain), for the theoretical study of the optical properties of resonant dielectric nanostructures and their applications in MetaSurface and Topological Insulators, with phenomenology of interest in Nanophotonics (Desember 19th, 2019).
More information on these websites:
PhD student fellowship at the GRIFO-UAH (Grupo de Ingeniería Fotónica de la Universidad de Alcalá) to work in the optimization of third generation solar cells using surface 2D nanostructures (Spain)(Desember 19th, 2019) (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) (Desember 19th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
ICMAB (CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) is looking for a highly skilled researcher in photonics and plasmonics (December 19th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job ICMAB (Desember 19th, 2019)
The Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU) is looking for a Software Programming Technologist and a Specialized Scientist (Salamanca, Spain) (November 14th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
LEITAT, a technological center based in Terrassa (Barcelona, Spain) is looking for a researcher in the field of photonics (November 14th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Nano-Soft Lab at CNR-IPCF in Messina (Italy) is looking for a student (Early Stage Researcher) to join the group and work on Optical Tweezers (topic of the Nobel Prize 2018) applied to “Active Matter” within the ITN project “Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications” (November 14th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job CNR-IPCF (November 14th, 2019)
La Caixa Fundation has published the Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellowships. In this framework, the University of Zaragoza is looking for candidates to work in the project “Ageing of the optical system of the eye on the efficiency and visual fatigue: development of instruments, optical modelling and experimental studies” (November 14th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Mathematical Quantum Physics group at the University of Innsbruck, Austria (led by Gemma De las Cuevas) is inviting applications to fill in 2 PhD student positions. The work will be at the intersection of mathematical physics and quantum many-body physics (November 14th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job UIBK (November 14th, 2019)
PhD student fellowship at the INSTITUTO DE ESTRUCTURA DE LA MATERIA (IEM) to work in the project "Magneto-Electric-Light Optics in all DIelectric nanostructured media, MELODIA" (Spain)(October 24th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Candidates are sought for a FPU fellowship application (PhD) in the Color Imaging Lab of the Department of Optics of the University of Granada to work in the project "Recovery of hyperspectral images in the visible and infrared deteriorated by the atmosphere for the improvement of flight vision systems" (Spain)(October 24th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
PhD Student Fellowship in CTTC Optical Networks and Systems Department at the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) (Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain)(October 22th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
PhD student Fellowship in GDAF-Photonics Applications Group at Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain)(October 22th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job UCIII (October 22th, 2019)
A 4-year PhD grant available at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares to work in the field of optical fibers and sensing (Spain)(October 22th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
A 4-year PhD grant available at the Optics Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)(October 22th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
A 4-year PhD grant available at the Atmospheric Optics Group of the University of Valladolid (Spain)(October 22th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Post-doctoral researcher in quantum optics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (Poland)(October 7th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
A PhD Fellowship in Fabrication of Specialty Polymer Optical Fibres is available from the Applied Photonics Group at the University of the Basque Country, Spain (October 3th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
A 4-year PhD grant available at the Laboratorios del grupo de Fotofísica y Fotónica Orgánica del instituto IMDEA Nanociencia (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)(October 3th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Postoctoral position at the University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) to work in optical microscopy (October 3rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Faculty of Physics (University of Warsaw, Poland) is looking for a post-doctoral researcher in quantum optics to work on multidimensional encoding of quantum information within the project on “Phase only-shaping of quantum light pulses for applications in quantum technologies” (October 3rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The UNO (Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics) group, led by Dr Clerici, and the Structured Photonics Research Group, led by Dr Martin Lavery, are looking for a candidate to fulfil a 4-years PhD Scholarship at the University of Glasgow (UK). The ideal candidate is a Physics or Engineering graduate (September 17th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job UOG (September 17th, 2019)
The CLPU – Centro de Láseres Pulsados, in Salamanca (Spain), is seeking candidates to work in the project SIGILAR (September 17th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job CLPU (September 17th, 2019)
Antares instrumentación (Spain) is looking for a sales engineer (September 17th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job Antares (September 17th, 2019)
Horizons Optical (Spain) is looking for a junior sales representative (September 17th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job Horizons Optical (September 17th, 2019)
The Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab of the Institute of Optics of CSIC, in Madrid (Spain), is seeking candidates to carry out an industrial doctorate with the 2Eyes Vision company (September 17th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Job 2Eyes Vision (September 17th, 2019)
The LiPhy Group (Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physics, Grenoble, France), is seeking candidates interested in a 4-year postdoctoral position to develop the project "Optical frequency shifting loops for microwave photonics" (September 3rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Cognex, a global player in industrial machine vision, is looking for an optical engineer (July 19th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab of the Institute of Optics of CSIC, in Madrid (Spain), is seeking candidates interested in a 4-year postdoctoral position to develop a project in the field of Visual Optics and Engineering in the eye (July 18th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Crypta Labs, a London based quantum security start-up developing next generation encryption solutions, is looking for an Optical Physicist/Engineer, whose role will be characterisations of different optical elements, light sources, sensors, mirrors, material optical properties (London, UK) (July 18th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Within the recently founded group on Physical Foundations of IT Security at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Optical Sensor Systems is a PhD Position on Quantum Memories for Space available in Berlin (Germany) (July 16th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
IRIS, an advanced engineering company that specializes in process monitoring and control solutions, is looking for an optical engineer (Castelldefels, Spain) (July 16th, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Open PhD position to work on fundamentals of cilia-based fluid flow in the department “Fluid Physics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity” of the Max Planck Institute (Göttingen, Germany) (July 6th, 2019). Detailed information at:
Two new doctoral studentships with optics companies (supported by Optos Plc and Ceres Holographics Ltd) in Scotland (June23rd, 2019). Detailed information at:
Open research position at the University of Alcalá, Spain in the group of Photonics Engineering (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
The Laser Processing Group (GPL) of the CSIC (Madrid, Spain) offers an 8-month contract, associated to one European Project FET ILP of the H2020 program, for the realization of laser material processing tasks and their characterization (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Open PhD position on "light energy transport and conversion in organic nanoparticles" at the University of Strasbourg, France (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Indra, a company working in the defense and security sectors, is looking for electrooptic engineers to work in Aranjuez (Madrid, Spain) (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Medlumics is looking for a Production Technician to work in the R&D department (Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain) (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Nightvision Lasers Spain (NVLS) is looking for an optical engineer to work in the R+D department (Madrid, Spain) (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the position can be found at:
Open PhD position about "Nonlinear quantum metasurfaces" at the MPQ Laboratory, University Paris Diderot, France (June 23rd, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Randomness engineer position at QuSide Company (Barcelona, Spain) (May 8th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
HP in Barcelona has 3 job openings for graduate, entry-level candidates available immediately. Two are software development focused and one more research focused, although all three involve working on new color/imaging algorithms and technologies (Barcelona, Spain) (April 10th, 2019). Detailed information at:
One PhD position to work in the modelization and the experimental study of novel nano-optoelectromechanical systems (NOEMS) based on 2D-materials (UB, Barcelona, Spain) (April 10th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
One PhD position (Junior Research Fellow) to work in Neuromorphic Nanophotonic Integrated Technologies (International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Braga-Portugal) (April 10th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Quside, an spin-off company of ICFO, is looking for a highly motivated graduate-level intern to work on photonic integrated technologies. The research intern will be responsible for measuring passive and active photonic chips and analyze the results for a new technology for quantum random number generation (Barcelona, Spain) (April 10th, 2019). Detailed information at:
One open position in INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial, Spain) to perform image and data collection and related calculations (April 10th, 2019).
Detailed information at:
Open R&D position at LEITAT Technological Center (Terrassa-BCN, Spain) to be incorporated in the department of additive manufacturing, in the line of applied photonics to SLM technologies (March 13th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer LEITAT (March 13th, 2019)
COGNEX, a company in the photonics and machine vision fields, is looking for photonics engineers (Germany) (March 6th, 2019). Contact: José Fernandez Dorado Detailed information at:
Job Offer Cognex (March 6th, 2019)
PhD Scholarships between École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) and RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia). One in “Coupling of SiC color centers to nanophotonic structures” (March 11th, 2019).
Detailed information at:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow positions to work on ENIneering MAterial properties with advanced laser direct writing - ENIGMA and Ultrafast laser material processing, Nanostructuring and Geometrical phase optics (Southhampton, UK) (March 11th, 2019).
Detailed information at:
Open PhD position at the "Laboratoire Photonique Numerique et Nanosciences (LP2N)", CNRS, Bordeaux, France (March 11th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer BORDEAUX (March 11th, 2019)
COGNEX, a company in the photonics and machine vision fields, is looking for photonics engineers (Germany) (March 6th, 2019). Contact: José Fernandez Dorado Detailed information at:
Job Offer Cognex (March 6th, 2019)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position to work on imaging and tracking of objects/people through scattering media, exploiting speckle correlations to extract the information hidden in the scattered light at the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (Exeter, UK) (February 22nd, 2019). Detailed information at:
Job Offer EXE (February 22nd, 2019)
Three predoctoral contracts are available in the group of Prof. Fernando Martín at IMDEA-Nanociencia and the group of Prof. Luis Bañares at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, in the framework of a synergy project funded by the Madrid regional government (Y2018/NMT-5028, FULMATEN-CM) and the European Social Fund (February 22nd, 2019). Detailed information at:
Job Offer UCM (February 22nd, 2019)
Two PhD candidates to join Prof. Martin Virte's team at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) to work on novel laser structures, laser dynamics and fiber sensing. Detailed information at: (February 14th, 2019). Detailed information at:
The recently founded startup company “NIREOS” is looking for a PhD candidate in Physics at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) (February 12th, 2019). Detailed information at:
8 fellowships within the ICFO (The Institute of Photonics Sciences, Spain) International PhD Program (Spring 2019), to start doctoral studies in June-September 2019 (February 12th, 2019). Detailed information about the PhD-program is available at:
RAL Space, from the Science and Technologies Council (STFC)(UK) is looking for candidates with a background in optical engineering (February 12th, 2019).
Senior Optical Systems Engineer:
Optical Systems Engineer:
El Departamento de Ciencias Físicas de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias de la Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco, Chile) is looking for candidates with a PhD in Physics to work in the field of Applied Optics (February 12th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Job Offer Chile (February 12th, 2019)
30 PhD opportunities in colour imaging and related fields in the following projects: CHANGE (Cultural Heritage Analysis for New GEnerations) and ApPEARS (Appearance Printing European Advanced Research School) (February 12th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
El Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Spain) is looking for candidates for 3-years contracts with the profiles attached in the links below (February 12th, 2019).
Job Offer CSIC1 (February 12th, 2019)
Job Offer CSIC2 (February 12th, 2019)
Job Offer CSIC3 (February 12th, 2019)
PhD position in microwave photonics available at Bangor University (Wales, UK) (February 12th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
Two postdoctoral research positions for project-collaborations within the Cellex ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Spain) – MPQ-Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Germany) Fellowships of 24-months duration (February 12th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
One PhD position open in Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain) to work with nanostructures in third generation solar cells to improve their efficiency (January 24th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
ProCareLight is looking for a technician to work in the field of laser safety (Spain) January 24th, 2019).
More information here:
Job Offer ProCareLight (January 24th, 2019)
4 PhD positions open in QAFM project to develop a quantum limited force sensor for atomic force microscopy. Positions are open in Stockholm, Basel and Vienna (January 24th, 2019).
More information about the project and application can be found at:
One master's project + 3-year PhD position is available to work at Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris (France), in collaboration with ONERA, the french aerospace lab (January 24th, 2019).
Details on the project (FROM THE NEAR FIELD OF NANO-ANTENNAS TO THE FAR FIELD OF INFRARED METASURFACES), can be found at the following link:
PhD and Post-doctoral positions in the “Nanophotonics Technology Center” at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (January 24th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UV (anuary 24th, 2019)
15 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions are now open in the context of the EU Innovative Training Network project CHANGE (Cultural Heritage Analysis for New GEnerations) . The positions are for three years, competitively salaried, leading towards a PhD degree, and employed at different universities, research institutes, and museums throughout Europe (January 24th, 2019).
For more information visit the link below:
Mesurex is an engineering company in the technological forefront of Measurement, Automation and Control of processes and applications in the Industrial, Aerospace, Defense, Security, Scientific, Civil Engineering and Geotechnical sectors. The company is looking for an optical engineer (Málaga, Spain) (January 24th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Measurex (anuary 24th, 2019)
Two fully funded EPSRC doctoral scholarships are available in the School of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent with a choice of two projects available in the area of Applied Optics/Biophotonics (UK) (January 18th, 2019).
For more information visit the links below:
Nightvision Lasers Spain (NVLS), a company located in Madrid and leader in the design and manufacture of night vision equipment for military and police users, is looking for an Optical Designer/Engineer. (January 17th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer NIGHT VISION (January 17th, 2019)
An international selection tender is open for recruitment of one doctoral position(s) in the project “In vivo biometric and optical changes of the crystalline lens with accommodation and its impact in subjective retina image quality-LensUM” in the Universidade do Minho (Portugal). (January 17th, 2019).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UM (January 17th, 2019)
Polytechnique Montreal is looking for candidates as a tenure track professor and a Canada Research Chair in Engineering physics (materials and/or photonics and/or biomedical) (Canada) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information contact Michel Meunier ( or visit the link below:
Two 1-year contracts as Assistant Researcher to work in the field of Structuring of Materials with Ultra-short Laser Pulses are now open at: Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information contact Javier Solís (; Ref: CAMI8_PRE_10_003) or visit the link below:
A 1-year contract as Assistant Researcher to work in the field of nanostructured materials for photonics applications is now open at: Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information contact José Gonzalo (; Ref: CAMI8_PRE_10_002) or visit the link below:
A 1-year contract as Assistant Researcher to work in the field of image processing and visual models is now open at: Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information contact Javier Portilla (; Ref: CAM18_PRE_IO_001) or visit the link below:
The Laboratorio de Óptica Visual y Biofotónica del Instituto de Óptica del CSIC is looking for a predoc candidate to work in the field of visual optics (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information contact Nohelia Morales (nohelia.morales@io.cfmac.csic; Ref: CAM18_PRE_IO_005) or visit the links below:
A two-year contract as Assistant Researcher to work in the field of laser processing is now open at: Instituto de Óptica del CSIC (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2019).
For more information you can contact Rosalia Serna (; Ref: CAM18_AI_IO_OO1) or visit the link below:
Two postdoctoral positions in microresonator frequency combs at Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) (October 30th, 2018).
More information in the link below:
Opened scientist positions (contract) requiring diverse skills in the fields of nanophotonics and nanotechnology including theory & design, nanofabrication and optical characterization at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore (October 30th, 2018).
More information in the links below:
IRIS, a company based in Castelldefels (Spain) is looking for an Optical Engineer to work in different R&D projects related with industrial solutions in different fields (food, pharma, chemical and materials). (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IRIS (October 30th, 2018)
The Photonics Research Labs of ITEAM (Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications) at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), within the framework of different European and national research programs, offers a position for 1 PhD candidate on the development of new multicore/multimode fiber devices (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UV (October 30th, 2018)
A PhD position for a Doctoral Thesis is open at the Instituto de Óptica (CSIC) (Madrid, Spain) to work in the project "Ultrafast laser Directed Self-Organization of Nanostructures" (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer IODV (October 30th, 2018)
Deneb Medical is a start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) focused in the development of a novel surgical robot. The company is looking for an Expert in Artificial Intelligence that will lead all the activities in this area. (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DENEB (October 30th, 2018)
The Institute for Physical and Information Technologies (ITEFI), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), is looking for a candidate to apply for a FPU studentship to work in the field of quantum communications (Spain) (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (October 30th, 2018)
Two PhD Studentships funded by Israeli Science Foundation at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the BGU (Ben-Gurion university) to perform theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of the informational capacity limits of the fiber-optical telecommunication systems (Israel) (October 30th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer BGU (October 30th, 2018)
PhD grant available at Nottingham University (UK) in collaboration with Sensofar company (Spain) on "Characterisation of confocal microscopy for surface topography measurement" (October 5th, 2018).
More information here:
A PhD position for a Doctoral Thesis is open at the Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco) (Spain) to work in the field of infrared termography (October 5th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UPV (October 5th, 2018)
ASE Optics Europe, a company based in the city of Barcelona focused on the development of custom optics and integrated optical systems, is looking for a mechanical engineer to complement their technical team (Spain) (October 5th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ASE (October 5th, 2018)
The Laboratory of Nano Optics at the Physics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology (University of Siegen, Germany), aims to fill an open position with a graduate research assistance in a fixed term contract, initially for three years (October 1st, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Seiden (October 1st, 2018)
The R&D group of Snelloptics located at the CD6 Technological Center (Terrassa, Spain), focused on Optical Engineering, offers a job position on the subject of the design of sensors and optical devices for industrial applications. Possibility of doing a PhD on the subject. If interested, please send CV to (September 26th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Snell (September 26th, 2018)
A PhD position for a Doctoral Thesis is open at the Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (IMN) in Madrid (Spain) under the EU project “Scalable Two-Dimensional Quantum Integrated Photonics (S2QUIP)” (September 24th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (September 24th, 2018)
The research group Tecnopto UMH at Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, Spain) offers a Postdoctoral position within the project PROMETEO/2017/154 of Generalitat Valenciana “Development of vector and polarimetric optical instrumentation” (September 24th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer UMH (September 24th, 2018)
PhD studentship for EU citizens to join the Nano-Optics Group (King's College London, UK) and work on nonlinear metasurfaces and vortex beams (September 24th, 2018).
More information here:
Open postdoc positions at the FEMTO-ST Institute, Optics Department (University of Franche-Comte and CNRS) (Besancon, France) to work in the field of ultrafast optics and laser materials processing (September 7th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer FEMTO-ST (September 7th, 2018)
An EngD (similar to a PhD, yet in much closer collaboration with industry), is available at University of Dundee (Scotland) to work for an holographic augmented reality project.(UK) (September 6th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer Dundy (September 6th, 2018)
The Institute of Photonics (Physics Department) at the University of Strathclyde seeks applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Semiconductor Laser Networks for Neuro-Inspired Information Processing functionalities (UK) (September 6th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer Strathclyde (September 6th, 2018)
The Visual Optics Lab Antwerp (VOLANTIS), part of the Antwerp University Hospital (Belgium), is currently looking for a scientific researcher/ PhD student to work in the early detection of keratoconus, a disease that can be treated in its initial stages giving patients a better long-term quality of vision. The project involves working with a machine-learning program that automatically detects unusual corneal shapes measured with the Pentacam corneal tomography system and biomechanics (elasticity) (Belgium) (September 6th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer Antwerp (September 6th, 2018)
A fully funded PhD studentship to start in 2019 is available in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at Bangor University (UK) (September 6th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer Bangor (September 6th, 2018)
Postdoctoral Position in Photonics at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona ICMAB (CSIC) to work in the field of the integration of large area and inexpensive photonic architectures in optoelectronic devices (Spain) (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer ICMAB (July 25th, 2018)
ProCareLight is looking for a technician to work in the field of laser safety (Spain) (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer ProCareLight (July 25th, 2018)
Deneb Medical, a start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) is looking for an Expert in Laser Processing that will work in the design, integration, and experimental validation of different optical systems (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer DENEB (July 25th, 2018)
RAL Space has a vacancy for two experienced Optical Systems Engineers (UK) (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
Job vacancies in VLC Photonics, a technological spin-off company from the Technical University of Valencia (Spain) (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer VLC 1 (July 25th, 2018)
Job Offer VLC 2 (July 25th, 2018)
RAL Space Imaging Systems Division is looking for an experienced Cold Atom/Quantum Optics Physicist to contribute in the development and commissioning of the RAL Space Atom Interferometer and its optimisation for space applications (UK) (July 25th, 2018).
More information here:
PhD position in the Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), in the framework of the MSCA ITN project LightDyNAmics (June 29th, 2018).
More information here:
Job Offer Milano (June 29th, 2018)
Two opened researcher/postdoc positions at the Institute of Material Research and Engineering (Singapore) for the project related to development of optical dielectric nanoantennas and their applications in nanophotonics and nanotechnology (June 29th, 2018).
More information and access to the applications here:
Research position on printed optics by ultrafast laser direct writing and PhD position on laser modification of materials at micro- and nanoscale for photonics and information technology at University of Southampton (UK)(June 29th, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Brussels Photonics offers one PhD position on second-harmonic imaging of biotissue with optical-fiber-based light collection (Belgium) (June 29th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
PhD researcher position on laser-induced forward transfer printing for micro-assembly of electronic and photonic components at Ghent University (Belgium)(June 27th, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer Ghent (June 27th, 2018)
PhD Scholarship in Optical Fibre Sensing at Limerick (Ireland) to work in the clinical field (June 27th, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer Limerick (June 27th, 2018)
PhD positions currently open at ORC (UK) to work in the field of Laser modification of materials at micro- and nanoscale for photonics and information technology (June 27th, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer ORC (June 27th, 2018)
Three fully funded PhD positions currently open at IMT-Atlantique, Brest, France: one industrial, the other two funded by an EU project (France) (May 31st, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer France 1 (May 31st, 2018)
Job Offer France 2 (May 31st, 2018)
Job Offer France 3 (May 31st, 2018)
Research contract at Universidad Complutense de Madrid within the framework of the project PCIN-2017-021: “Generación de tercer armónico en elementos ópticos revestidos con grafeno - nuevos dispositivos para la medida de pulsos ultracortos y para conversión de frecuencia” (Spain) (May 31st, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
PhD and postdoctoral openings at CNRS' LPTMS lab in Orsay (Paris area). The postdoc will have the opportunity to work on frustrated self-assembly, theoretical descriptions of the cytoskeleton, protein-membrane interactions and other problems at the interface between Statistical/Soft Matter Physics and Biology (France) (May 31st, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
The research group “Femtosecond spectroscopy and ultrafast laser control” of Prof. Thomas Baumert at University of Kassel is looking for a PhD student within Collaborative Research Centre 1319 “Extreme light for sensing and driving molecular chirality (ELCH) (Kassel, Germany) (May 31st, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Kassel (May 31st, 2018)Postdoc position on eye-tracking at the "Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio del CSIC" (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) (May 22th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Galicia (May 22th, 2018)Night Vision Lasers Spain, a company dedicated to the design and manufacture of optoelectronics for military and police users is looking for an optical designer/engineer (Madrid, Spain) (May 22th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Night Vision Lasers (May 22th, 2018)Research Associateship (Bolseiro de Investigaciòn) on Photonic structures and Photosynthesis available at INL (Braga, Portugal) (May 22th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer INL (May 22th, 2018)Two PhD positions are open in the framework of a project coordinated by EURECAT and University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (Spain) in the field of fabrication and characterization of optical materials (May 22th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer URV (May 22th, 2018)A PhD position is open at the INM in Madrid, Spain, under the EU project “PhotoQuant” with the objective of design and fabricate nanophotonic devices to measure temperature in the classical and quantum regime using light-matter interaction (May 22th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer INM (May 22th, 2018)PhD Position in Ultrafast Laser Material Processing (Marseille, France) (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Marseille (April 9th, 2018)A PhD position is open as a joint project between the C2N (France) and the IMN (Madrid, Spain). This project aims to realize quantum photonic sources based on nonlinear interactions in optical nanocavities with few photons (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer C2N IMN (April 9th, 2018)Postdoctoral contract in optical design to work in the European Solar Telescope Project at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain) (April 9th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
Postdoc position on specialty optical fibers at the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic) (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Prague (April 9th, 2018)Open PhD position to work in the field of spectral imaging at Department of Computer Science of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) (April 9th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
Postdoctoral position in eye-retinas imaging at the SLN lab, ICFO (Spain) (April 9th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
Two PhD grants are available at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) to work in silicon photonics and on chip optical spectroscopy (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached documents:
Job Offer Silicon (April 9th, 2018)
Job Offer On chip (April 9th, 2018)
LEITAT, a Spanish Technological Center, is looking for a junior researcher with a background in optics and photonics (Spain) (April 9th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
A PhD position is available at the Institut Fresnel (Marseille, France) to work in the project "3D optical computational microscopy for quantifying T lymphocyte activation" (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Fresnel (April 9th, 2018)Prof. Bahram Javidi (University of Connectiut, USA) is looking for graduate students interested in developing a thesis on Multidimensional Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems at the UConn MOSIS group (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer MOSIS (April 9th, 2018)A PhD position is available at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) to work in the project "Single Molecule Quantum Optics" (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Stuttgart (April 9th, 2018)A PhD position is available at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) to work in the project "Quantum Storage of Single Photons" (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Stuttgart (April 9th, 2018)A PhD position is available at the DIPC in San Sebastián (Spain) in the field of quantum phenomena in plasmonic systems (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DIPC (April 9th, 2018)VLC Photonics, a Spanish company working in the field of nanotechnology and photonics, is looking for a lab technician (Spain) (April 9th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer VLC (April 9th, 2018)The Integrated Training Network in Dry Eye Disease Drug Development (IT-DED3) is looking for 12 talented and motivated Early Stage Researcher (ESR) - PhD students with the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to help the network make significant research breakthroughs. One of the ESRs will work in the field of OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography). Interested candidates are invited to submit their application through the application form before March 2, 2018 (February 14th, 2018).
The Vision and Eye Research Unit (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK) is advertising a fully funded 3 years PhD studentship to work in a project related to the detection of glaucoma using a diverse range of optical techniques (February 14th, 2018).
More information and access to the application here:
A PhD position is available at the Department of Physics of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland (UK) (February 14th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UOS (February 14th, 2018)Post-doc position available at King's College London, to work on single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array detectors for polarization-resolved Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) (UK) (February 14th, 2018).
More information can be found at:
Postdoctoral position available in the Grupo Complutense de Óptica Aplicada, Departamento de Óptica, at the Facultad de Ciencias Físicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) to work in the project "Desarrollo de un sistema industrial de grabación de redes de difracción/polarización para su aplicación en encóderes con láser de femtosegundo" (February 14th, 2018).
More information can be found at:
A Master Thesis position is available for six months at the Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) to work in the field of ovel pump concepts for single-frequency fiber amplifiers for next-generation gravitational-wave detectors (February 14th, 2017).
For more information contact Omar de Varona at
A PhD position is available at the Grupo de Procesado por Láser, Instituto de Óptica (CSIC) (Spain) to work in the field of Nano-y Meta-materials for photonics applications (January 25th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (January 25th, 2018)A PhD position is available at the TecnoptoUMH group of the Universidad Miguel Hernández in Elche (Spain) to work in the field of vectorial and polarimetric optics (January 25th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UMH (January 25th, 2018)Alcyon is looking for a Photonics Chief Technology Officer (CTO), who will be part of a new technological company emerged from the valorization of disruptive photonics technologies developed between the University of Málaga and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain) (January 25th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ALCYON (January 25th, 2018)Osram (Malaysia) is looking for a candidate for an internship to work in the field of Product/Application Optics Engineering (Simulation & Modeling) (January 25th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer OSRAM (January 25th, 2018)Open call for a young researcher with a profile on "Comunicaciones cuánticas para la comunicación segura global" at Instituto de Tecnologías Físicas y de la Información, CSIC, Madrid (Spain) (January 18th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC2 (January 18th, 2018)Voptica SL, a spin-off company of the University of Murcia (Spain) working in the field of adaptive optics simulators, is looking for candidates to apply for "Industrial doctorates 2017" and "Torres Quevedo 2017" grants (January 18th, 2018).
More information can be found at:
The Laboratorio de Óptica Visual y Biofotónica from the Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés” (CSIC, Madrid, Spain) is looking for a PhD researcher to work in the field of biomedical imaging (January 18th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (January 18th, 2018)3 PhD positions are available at the Institut Fresnel, Marseille (France) in the field of 3D optical microscopy, infrared tomographic microscopy and bimodal superresolved tomographic - fluorescence microscopy (January 18th, 2018).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer FRESNEL (January 18th, 2018)Fully-funded PhD position (for UK/EU students), covering living costs and tuition fees.The project involves developing a multi-spectral photo-acoustic imaging system in the Applied Optics Group (based at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK) (January 18th, 2018).
More details in:
AIMEN is looking for a Senior Researcher in Laser Material Microprocessing (Spain) (December 22th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer AIMEN (December 22th, 2017)One year contract is available at the Optics Institute (CSIC), in Madrid (Spain) on "Adquisición de conocimientos teorico-prácticos de procesamiento digital de imágenes, para la compensación de los efectos de las imperfecciones de las cámaras (óptica y sensor)" (December 22th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CSIC (December 222th, 2017)Postdoctoral fellowship available from January 2018 for 24 months within a UK- and EU- funded centre exploring nanostructured materials for photonics- and bio-applications in the UK NanoPhotonics Centre (UK) (December 19th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer UK NanoPhotonics Centre (December 19th, 2017)MESUREX, an engineering company at the technological forefront of measurement, automation and process control in the Industrial, Aerospace, Security and Scientific sectors, is looking for an optical engineer (Spain) (December 19th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer MESUREX (December 19th, 2017)A PhD position is available at the Research Training Group "Metrology for Complex Nanosystems NANOMET", established by the Technische Universität Braunschweig and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany)(December 12th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer NANOMET (Desember 12th, 2017)Open position (3 years) in the field of UV measurements in Aria e Atmosfera - Radiazione solare e atmosfera ARPA Valle d'Aosta (Italy) (Desember 12th, 2017).
More information can be found here:
Two fully funded optics based PhD projects commencing in September 2018 are available at the University of Exeter, UK (December 12th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Exeter UK. (December 12th, 2017)Pro-Lite Technology Iberia, a company dedicated to the distribution and service of photonic equipment, is looking for a Junior Sales Engineer (Barcelona, Spain) (December 12th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Pro-Lite. (December 12th, 2017)Centro Tecnológico del Plástico de Andalucía Andaltec (Spain) is looking for a Junior Optical Engineer (November 7th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CTPA. (November 7th, 2017)Deneb Medical, start-up based in San Sebastian (Spain) is looking for an Expert in Optics and Photonics (November 7th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer DENEB. (November 7th, 2017)One collaboration student grant is offered by the "Servei de Gestió de la Innovació" (patent office) of the UPC (Spain) (November 7th, 2017).
More information can be found here:
SECPhO (Southern European Cluster in Photonics and Optics) is looking for a Project Manager (Spain) (November 7th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer SECPHO. (November 7th, 2017)Open optical design engineer position in ASE Optics (Barcelona, Spain) with interests in applied optical design in imaging and non-imaging systems (Spain) (October 24th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ASE. (October 24th, 2017)Public call of the consortium of ultra-short ultra-intense pulsed laser centre (CLPU) for the hiring of a laser technician (Spain) (October 24th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CLPU Tech. (October 24th, 2017)Public call of the consortium of ultra-short ultra-intense pulsed laser centre (CLPU) for the hiring of a scientist (Spain) (October 24th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CLPU Sci. (October 24th, 2017)COGNEX is looking for an optical engineer to work in the ID products group (Germany) (October 11th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer COGNEX (October 11th, 2017)A PhD position is available at University of Zaragoza in the field of laser optical technologies (Spain) (October 11th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Zaragoza (October 11th, 2017)A PhD position is available at University of Bordeaux in the field of characterization of random media with gain - 3D random lasers (France) (October 11th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer BORDEAUX (October 11th, 2017)A PhD position is available at ICFO in the field of experimental quantum physics ultracold atoms (Spain) (September 18th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer ICFO (September 18th, 2017)CD6 (UPC) is searching for an experienced PhD/posdoc researcher with experience in prototyping and an specialty in firmware and analog electronics development (Spain) (August 29th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer CD6 UPC (August 29th, 2017)RAL Space, part of the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, has a vacancy for an Optical Systems Engineer (UK) (August 29th, 2017).
More information can be found here:
5G STEP-FWD, a newly launched Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) offers fifteen (15) PhD positions in six European countries (August 29th, 2017).
The project will work towards a new high capacity and low latency architecture for backhauling 5G networks. The proposed architecture takes full advantage of the ultra-narrow wavelength spacing of the UDWDM technology, in order to provide connectivity to a dense small-cell population. The project researchers will work both at the physical and the network layer domains, aiming at designing systems and algorithms for building the 5G cellular network of tomorrow. More information on the project can be found here:
FICOSA is looking for an optical engineer to work in the field of automotive lighting (Spain) (July 25th, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
IDIADA offers a position to work in the optical laboratory (Spain) (July 25th, 2017).
The candidate will carry out tests for vehicle lighting in accordance with international regulations. For more information see the attached document:
Job Offer Optical Lab (July 25th, 2017)A PhD/Postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. J.D. Seelig, in the Max Planck Research Group Neural Circuits (Germany) (July 25th, 2017).
The candidate will utilize modern two-photon imaging, optogenetics, and electrophysiology techniques to investigate neural population activity at cellular resolution in behaving animals, particularly fruit flies and/or mice. Candidates should a strong quantitative background in neuroscience and/or biophysics. Graduates and PhD graduates from related fields (such as physics, engineering or chemistry) are also encouraged to apply. Proficiency in programming languages and the willingness to hone programming skills is preferred. For more information see the links below:
The KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences (Stockolm, Sweden), offers one PhD and one postdoc position in the field of Wood Photonics (July 25th, 2017).
For more information see the links below:
Photonic Sensors & Algorithms SL offers a position to design state-of-the-art mini cameras with the specific technology and applications the company is developing for its use in portable devices (specially smartphones) (Spain) (July 25th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Optical Design (June 25th, 2017)One open PhD position in “Mitigation of fiber nonlinear impairments in high symbol-rate high-order QAM” in Orange Labs (France) (July 25th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer France (July 25th, 2017)One open PhD position in Special Light Sources based on Optical Fiber at the University of Valencia (Spain) (July 25th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Valencia (July 25th, 2017)2 open PhD student and 2 postdoc positions, within the ERC Advanced Grant UMWP-CHIP "Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems" (Spain) (June 13th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer UPV (June 13th, 2017)The Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía del CSIC offers a 1-year position to work in the field of optical design for telescopes and instrumentation for astrophysics (Spain) (June 13th, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
ProCareLight offers a position in LASER SAFETY (Spain) (June 13th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer ProCareLight (June 130th, 2017)IK4-TEKNIKER offers a researcher position in LASER MATERIALS PROCESSING (Spain) (May 30th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Tekniker-Spain (May 30th, 2017)Spanish company leader in the ophthalmic optics field located in Barcelona looking for a researcher with a Physics or Telecommunication Engineering Degree and a strong background in Optics for the R+D (May 30th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer HorisonsOptical-Spain (May 30th, 2017)Photonics Research Labs of the iTEAM Institute are offering a Postdoctoral position to a well-qualified, highly motivated and dynamic scientist/engineer, with a background on optical communications, integration systems and integrated photonics (Spain) (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position in ASE Optics (Barcelona, Spain) in optical systems computational imaging integration (Spain) (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer 3 ASE Optics-Spain (April 26th, 2017)Research summer grants at Laboratorio de Óptica de la Universidad de Murcia (LOUM) (Spain) (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Becas verano (April 26th, 2017)Two Funded Postgraduate Scholarships in Biomedical Optics (UK) (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer UK (April 26th, 2017)Open PhD PhD grants offered within an ITN (H2020 MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN)) related to organic solar cells (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer ITN (April 26th, 2017)Open Laser Engineer/Scientist position in Femtosecond Temporally Coherent Supercontinuum Fiber Laser for Multi-Photon Microscopy (FEMTOCOLORS) in FYLA LASER, S.L. (Spain) (April 26th, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
Open PhD position on Multiscale dynamics of laser-induced NP self-organization in composite films (Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer France (April 4th, 2017)Open PhD position in quantum cryptography in the University of Vigo (Spain) (March 23rd, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
The Spanish National Cancer Research Center, in Madrid (Spain), offers a position to work in confocal microscopy (March 23rd, 2017).
For more information see the link below:
Postgraduate Scholarship in Biomedical Optics with emphasis on Optical Coherence Tomography (University of Kent, UK).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer KENT-UK (March 3rd, 2017)Open PhD positions in the Grenoble doctoral programmes for Quantum Engineering (France) (March 3rd, 2017).
For more information see the links below:
LEITAT technological center (Spain) is looking for a Senior Researcher in Photonics.
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer LEITAT-SPAIN (March 3rd, 2017)The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), in Braga (Portugal) offers a Research Engineer position to work in Probe-based Imaging Diagnostic Tool for In vivo Atherosclerotic Biomarker Detection.
For more information see the link below:
The UCL (London's Global University, UK) offers a Research Associate position to work as part of a team carrying out research leading to the development of a multi-sensor digital photogrammetric demonstration system capable of going beyond the current state of the art in terms of accurate on-line measurement over large volumes.
For more information see the link below:
The Politecnico di Milano (Italy) offers a PhD position in the context of femtosecond laser nanofabrication.
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Milano-Italy (February 16th, 2017)Procarelight (Barcelona, Spain) is looking for a PhD in the field of Photonics.
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Procarelight-Spain (February 16th, 2017)ASE Optics (Barcelona, Spain) is looking for an optical engineer with interests in applied optical design in imaging and non-imaging systems.
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer 2 ASE Optics-Spain (February 16th, 2017)ASE Optics (Barcelona, Spain) is looking for an experienced computational imaging scientist focused on algorithm enhancement and high speed image processing.
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer ASE Optics-Spain (February 16th, 2017)The Fresnel Institute (France) offers a PhD position in the context of the use of electromagnetic wave in the microwave domain for probing the subsurface in a nondestructive way: "MIMO sensor for near-subsurface imaging".
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Fresnel-France (February 16th, 2017)The ICMAB (Institute of Materials Science Barcelona, Spain) offers a PhD position related to organic solar cell thematic: "Nanoscale morphology and microstructure of organic thin films".
For more information see the link below:
The Group of Displays and Photonic Applications of the UC3M offers a position in the Program "Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil 2014-2020" (Reference: PEJ16/TIC/TL-1589) (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2017).
For more information see the link below and contact Ricardo Vergaz at
The Group of Lasers, Nanostructures and Material Processing of the Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano offers a position in the Program "Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil 2014-2020" (Reference: PEJ16/IND/TL-1485) (Madrid, Spain) (January 17th, 2017).
You can find more info at the link below:
Pro-Lite Technology Iberia is looking for a Commercial Technician with knowledge in Photonics (January 17th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Pro-Lite Technology-Spain (January 17th, 2017)The Instituto de Óptica (CSIC, Madrid)) is looking for 3 PhD-FPU candidates(January 17th, 2017).
You can find more info at the link below:
The Instituto de Óptica (CSIC, Madrid)) is looking for PhD-FPU candidates in image processing and optical design (January 17th, 2017).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer CSIC-Spain (January 17th, 2017)Luz WaveLabs is looking for PhD candidates (January 17th, 2017).
Luz WaveLabs, a spin-off from Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain) is currently looking for candidates for Doctorado Industrial and Torres Quevedo programs (2017). You can find more info at the link below:
One PhD position in experimental optics and photonics: implementation of neuromorphic computing in quantum dot emitter networks, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (December 20st, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer Spain (December 20th, 2016)Available PhD positions at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK (December 20st, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer UK (December 20th, 2016)Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher/PhD position available at Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) (Desember 14th, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher NCU (Desember 14th, 2016)MRC Funded Doctoral Training Program at the University of Warwick, UK (November 16th, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
MRC Funded Doctoral Training (November 16th, 2016)Open position as an Optical Engineer in FICOSA, Viladecavalls Spain (November 16th, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer FICOSA (November 16th, 2016)Open position in ultra cold atoms in the BEC group in Paris, France (October 25th, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer BEC (October 25th, 2016)Three PhD studentships in Engineering Photonics at Cranfield University (UK) are available (September 1st, 2016).
For more information see the attached document :
Job Offer UK (September 1st, 2016)One PhD position related with the development of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for quantum communication at the Group of Applied Physics at the University of Geneva is available (September 1st, 2016).
More information at:
One PhD position related with nanophotonics at the "Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics", Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands is available (September 1st, 2016).
For more information see the attached document or contact Dr. Alberto G. Curto <>:
Job Offer Eindhoven-Netherlands (September 1st, 2016)Two PhD positions are available in the group "Nonlinear dynamics, nonlinear optics and Lasers" (DONLL) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (July 13th, 2016).
For more information on the PhD grants, requirements and application process (which are different for the two grants), please see the attached documents:
Job Offer UPC-FPI (July 13th, 2016) Job Offer UPC-Eurostar (July 13th, 2016)One PhD position at "Laboratory of Biophysics" in Wageningen (The Netherlands) (June 3rd, 2016)
Via the Innovative Training Network “Solar Energy to Biomass – Optimisation of light energy conversion in plants and microalgae” ( we offer a challenging Ph.D. position in the Laboratory of Biophysics of Wageningen University.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer WU (June 3rd, 2016)
One PhD position on "Complex systems modelling" at the University of Girona (Spain) (May 30th, 2016)
The candidate needs a graduate title in physics or mathematics and a master of 60 ECTS. CV must be sent before June 30th.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer UDG (May 30th, 2016)
One PhD position in the Research Group of Computational Nanoelectronics at the UAB (Spain) (May 20th, 2016)
The candidate needs a graduate title in physics, electronics, materials science or similar with a master level (or equivalent) before September 1st, 2016, when the PhD contract will start.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer UAB-1 (May 20th, 2016)
Two open positions in the Quantum and Atom Optics Group at the UAB (Spain) (May 20th, 2016)
These two PhD positions will start next September and they imply teaching duties (in Spanish or Catalan). Both PhD grants will have a duration of three years and a monthly gross salary of 1.211,29€ (for the 2016/2017 course ). For more information on the PhD grants (called PIF), requirements, and application process, see the attached document: Job Offer UAB-2 (May 20th, 2016)
One position in Optical Design of Ophthalmic Lenses at INDO (Spain) (May 4th, 2016)
Spanish company of the ophthalmic optics field located in Barcelona looking for a researcher with a Physics or Telecommunication Engineering Degree and a strong background in Optics. Ph.D. also appreciated. Experience and/or interest in geometrical optics, optics metrology and optimization methods also appreciated. Good programming skills in C++, Python, IDL, Mathlab, Databases…
Further details can be found at: Job Offer Indo (May 4th, 2016)
One PhD position in Quantum Nanoelectronics at UAB (Spain) (May 4th, 2016)
The candidate needs a graduate title in physics, electronics, materials science or similar with a master level (or equivalent) before September 1st, 2016, when the PhD contract will start.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer UAB (May 4th, 2016)
Two PhD positions in Classical and Quantum Nanophotonics at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) (April 20th, 2016)
The group of Quantum Interactions with Nanoparticles at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), led by Prof. Gabriel Molina-Terriza, has two open positions for bright and highly motivated Ph.D. students. The successful candidates will work in the fields of classical and quantum nanophotonics and chiral light-matter interactions.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer Australia (April 20th, 2016)
One PhD position in Quantum Optics and Integrated Optics at CNRS (France) (April 20th, 2016)
BridgETT is an application-oriented project with the goal of engineering a versatile platform using integrated optics in order to achieve efficient interfacing between nanoemitters and photons. This project will take place in one of the three French Technological Universities situated in Troyes, within the Laboratory for Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics which is an associate CNRS lab as well as a member of the selected French National Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) called ‘ACTION’.
Further details can be found at: Job Offer France (April 20th, 2016)