

The Catalonia Quantum Academy is offering up to 10 fellowships to outstanding students to pursue studies on one of the following eligible master’s programs in Quantum Science and Technology and enabling technologies: MSc in Quantum Science and Technology (UB, UAB UPC), MSc in Photonics (UPC, UB, UAB)​, MSc in Engineering Physics (UPC), MSc in Cybersecurity (UPC), MSc in Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (UPC)​, MSc in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC). ​Fellowships cover matriculation fees and are open to local, EU and international students, with no restriction on nationality (May 23rd 2024).

Apply here (before June 30th): Link

For more information contact:​

Scolarships sponsored by research groups participating in the master

Some research groups involved in the master offer grants for students during his/her MSc thesis (from April to July of every academic year). You should contact them directly (see Related Research Groups section).

AAD Scholarships sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The Generalitat de Catalunya, through the AGAUR, sponsored during some academic years 1 scholarship of about 1200€, specific for students of master's degrees. Students had to do “directed academic activities” of support to faculty activities. The first call was published at the end of August 2013. The call, if any, will be published in AGAUR’s website ( ). Interested students should submit an application following the instructions to be published there.

General information about other scholarships.

For foreign students, it is very difficult to get a scholarship for the master's degree in Photonics. You can find some information about grant-awarding institutions or agencies offering grants to enrol in a master, in the websites of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ( and related specific sites:

You can also visit the websites of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ( and Universitat de Barcelona ( and the international relations services of these universities, or the ICFO reseach institute (

Also the Spanish Government ( could give grants for masters and the Catalan Government ( could give loans or other grants, although some of them might be only for Spanish students.

It is somewhat easier to get a grant for a PhD programme (after getting the master's degree). If you enrol in the master's degree in Photonics, when you will be in Barcelona attending lectures (i.e., from end September 2015 to July or September 2016) you will have opportunites to contact professors of the master's degree Program and ask them to be your supervisor for a future PhD thesis. If you find a supervisor than can offer you a PhD thesis research subject, then that supervisor can help you to apply for a PhD grant (to some grant-awarding institution or agency) for academic year 2016-17 and subsequent years.

Other possible addresses (most of which can be accessed from the websites or links above), are the following:

MSc Grants (and possibly PhD grants)

Grants for our Associate ERASMUS MUNDUS Master EUROPHOTONICS

      • Grants awarded by the European Union, for both European and non-European students, can be obtained to enrol in our associated ERASMUS MUNDUS Master on Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics (Europhotonics). See the corresponding Section in this website, or visit to get all the details. You should take into account that such master is a 120 ECTS (2-year) master's degree.

Note that there is also an ERASMUS MUNDUS Doctorate Programme on Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics (Europhotonics), which is independent from the master's degree programme. Grants awarded by the European Union to both European and non-European students, can also be obtained for that Master. Visit to get all the details.