Elisabet Pérez

Elisabeth Perez

Elisabet Pérez Cabré received the B.Sc. and the PhD degrees in Physics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 1993 and 1998, respectively. She has joint the UPC in 1994 where she is currently an Associate Professor. Elisabet Pérez is actively involved in the research work carried out by the Group on Applied Optics and Image Processing (GOAPI) at the UPC. Her main research interests include colour and nonlinear pattern recognition systems, optical encryption and ID tags for security systems, and diffractive optics. She has been a guest scientist at Warsaw University (Poland) and at the University of Connecticut (USA). Among her publications, two journal papers have been awarded with the Best Land Transportation Paper Award of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2003 and 2005. She is SPIE Senior Member, member of the SEDOPTICA and EOS.