List of Proposals 2024-25

Institution Proposal
Photonic systems for accurate spectral and 3D analysis of biological samples
Development and validation of a Visual Disturbances Simulator
Unconventional reflexions and transmissions from non-Hermitian metasurfaces
Control of optical turbulence and spatiotemporal solutions by spacetime modulations
Non-Hermitian structured optical fibers and waveguides
Stabilization of microlasers
Models for polarimetric LIDAR imaging for vision through underwater turbid media
Auto-self sensor fusion calibration for a data collection vehicle
AI-dense depth image reconstruction based on LIDAR data fusion
Detection probability in LIDAr sensing for small targets
Optical pulse modulation for a FSO 6G communication link based JCAS LIDAR technology
Enhanced LIDAR self-inmunity against retroreflectors
Synthetic dataset generation in NVIDIA omniverse with a multimodal LIDAR digital twin for AI-based perception
Visual 2D+3D mapping SLAm for terrestrial and underwater vehicles
Optical imaging performance of intraocular lenses
Characterization and control of NVIDIA Photonic Integrated Switch for SDN networks
Robustness of vector beams for super-resolution microscopy
Design and implementation of a vectorial Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect microscope
Tracking of active diffusion swimmers using light-sheet microscopy
Solution-processed LED matrices on flexible substrates through inkjet-printed perovskites
Using SiPM detectors in a entangled photons Bell test
Spatial Dispersion in Natural Crystals
Fully inkjet printed photodetectors using graphene and perovskite inks for wearable applications
Dynamic characterization and multi-wavelength optimization of a Pockels cell for real-time super-resolution microscopy
Neural Network Variational Approach to Ultra-cold Dipolar Bosons Trapped in Atomtronic Circuits
Seeing Beyond the Haze: Integral Imaging and Polarimetry for Enhanced Turbid Media Visualization
Integrated optomechanical photonic crystal cavities based on silicon-on-insulator nanopillars for force sensing applications
2D nanomaterials for advanced gas sensors at room-temperature
Live cell nanoscopy imaging of individual molecules under mechanical forces
Optical manipulation of biological membranes’ properties and lateral organization
Unveiling optoelectronic behaviour in graphene-based heterostructures: a comparative study of photo-transport techniques
Building a prototype sensing system
Exploration of rhomohedral moiré structures in 5L, 6L graphene layers
Magnetoplasmon polaritons in sub-wavelength cavities
Quantum photonics with individual atoms and entangled photons
Light to charge: photo-current detection of excited state energy flow
Tracking ultrafast energy flow on the nanoscale
Toward a Bose-Einstein condensate dark-matter detector
Single molecule dynamic approaches to assess entropy production of living cells
Atomic quantum sensing
Quantum Sensors for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Atomic Sensors with Operating Beyond the Shot Noise Limit
Synchronization of SPAD-cameras: hardware for high-dimensional quantum technologies
A fluorescence microscopy approach to study the mechanobiology of the secretory pathway
Implementation and characterization of the building blocks of a bright polarization-entangled photon-pair source
Split-ring resonators for virtual photon engineering
Phasor analysis for hyperspectral imaging demixing overlapping fluorescent components using sine and cosine filters
From momentum to position correlations in a multicore fiber through the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect
Melanoma histology analysis using Mueller matrix imaging polarimetry