
Photonics Open Days (December 1st-December 3rd 2020)

Nov 25, 2019

Photonics Open Days will be held this course from December 2nd to December 4th 2019 (plus a visit at ICFO on January 16th, 2019).

During these days, the students can get to know more about the research groups, research centers and labs participating in our Master in Photonics. These activities are part of the academic program so the students are strongly encouraged to participate.

1st desember (10.00hrs): Visit of the Optics Group Lab. at the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra)

2nd desember (10.30hrs): Visit of the CD6 and DONLL Labs. at the UPC-Terrassa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa)

3rd desember (10.45hrs): Visit of the Ultracold atoms Lab. at the Institut of Cosmos Sciences ICCUB (online:

The visit at the Grup de Biofotònica Lab. at the UB (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona) has been CANCELLED due to reduced capacity of the lab.

TBA soon, ICFO