
Dr Carlos Abellan, former student of the master and researcher at ICFO, recognized for the commercial viability of the results of his PhD thesis

Mar 06, 2019

The CERCA Institute (Centres de Recerca de Catalunya) annually promotes the PIONER Prizes with the aim of distinguishing those researchers and researchers from CERCA Research centers who have recently prepared and defended a doctoral thesis and have obtained results that have a clear potential for commercial exploitation. Dr. Carlos Abellan, who defended his thesis entitled ‘Quantum Random Number Generators for Industrial Applications’ in June 2018 and former student of our master, has been awarded with this prize. His thesis work was carried out under the supervision of ICREA Professors at ICFO Valerio Pruneri and Morgan Mitchell. Dr Abellan’s thesis work has formed the basis of QUSIDE Technologies, a new high-tech company that incubated in ICFO’s LaunchPad. This venture develops quantum technologies for the cyber-security and super-computation worlds.

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