
ICFO International Schools on the Frontiers of Light: New Horizons in Quantum Materials (June 22)

Mar 21, 2022

From 27-30 June 2022, ICFO will host ICFO International Schools on the Frontiers of Light: New Horizons in Quantum Materials.

Frontiers of Light Schools aim at giving talented young researchers and students worldwide a first introduction to a thematic research area and a taste of an international research environment. They incorporate a dynamic and social learning environment beyond participating in lectures, including group discussions, direct interactions with the lecturers, student talks, poster presentations, and visits to labs.

This 4-day School is organised in partnership with researchers from MIT and will cover topics including: 2D Materials, van der Waals hetero-structures, twistronics, Near-field microscopy, STM, cavity QED materials engineering, topology, quantum batteries, ect.

The school is especially geared toward masters-level students and students beginning their PhD, although advanced undergraduates and experienced researchers are welcome to apply.

ICFO will offer international travel fellowships for students to attend the school and Research fellowships to conduct internships.

Full details and a registration link can be found at: