
Opening Ceremony of the Master in Photonics: October 25th at 18h at Physics Building (UB)

Oct 18, 2023

We are very pleased to invite students to the OPENING CEREMONY of the Master in Photonics and Master Europhotonics, edition 2023 - 2024.

This ceremony aims to officially open the course 2023-24, welcome the new students, listen an invited talk and have some time for questions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Date: Wednesday, October 25th, at 18.00h

Place: Sala Eduard Fontserè , Facultat de Física (1st floor), Universitat de Barcelona.


  • 18.00: Welcome to the new students
    • Prof. Eugeni Graugés, Dean of the Physics Faculty, University of Barcelona
    • Prof. Alba Pagès-Zamora, Director of the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), UNiversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
    • Prof. Estela Martín, Master coordinator at the Universitat de Barcelona.
  • 18.15: Brief report on the Master Program: Prof. Crina Cojocaru, Director of the Master in Photonics                                                            
  • 18.30: Invited conference: "Manipulation with light of single molecules and cells", Prof. Fèlix Ritort, director of the Small Biosystems Lab and full professor in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Barcelona.
  • 19.30: A small appetizer and open space for discussions.

We look forward to meeting you there!