Seminar Announcement - March 24th and 25th "Optical Design"

Mar 19, 2025

We have the pleasure to invite you to the next seminars, organised next week on March 24 and March 25th 2025, given by Prof. Peter Torok from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, invited by Prof. Marti Duocastella.

These seminars are organised in the framework of the subjects "3D imaging in biophotonics" and "Optical design" - students registered to these subjects are strongly invited to attend. As usual, the seminars are open to all students and we strongly recommend you to attend.

Title: "Optical design"
Speaker: Prof. Peter Torok from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Date: Monday, March 24th and Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Hour: 10.00 - 13.00h
Place:  A4 203 , Campus Nord, UPC

Abstract: These seminars provide an overview on the geometrical optics and optical design and their application to imaging systems.
Outcomes (i) The ability to carry out simple paraxial optics calculation (image positions, magnification etc. (ii) An understanding of aberrations and their description in terms of Seidel coefficients. (iii) To identify and understand the inter-relation of Seidel aberrations, (iv) To practically use Seidel sums (v) To understand the correction of primary aberrations (vi) to be able to design simple optical systems such as an achromatic doublet.