
Seminar announcement (Wed, 17-March, 11am): "Basics of Laser Safety"

Mar 15, 2021

On next Wednesday March 17th we organize an on-line seminar on "Basics of Laser Safety" given by Youcef Lebour, from  ProCare Light Company. The seminar addresses the main safety rules needed if you are planning to work in any laboratory of company using laser systems. Please block the slot in your agenda and make sure you can attend.

Title: "Basics of Laser Safety"
Speaker:  Youcef Lebour, Laser Safety and Technology Specialist at PROCARELIGHT SL

Abstract: Laser safety is of paramount importance owing to the hazards of exposures to the laser beam, especially to the eye and the skin. This lecture will provide a review of laser classes, labelling and the dangers associated with each class. Moreover, it will discuss hazard mechanisms and the most recurrent laser accidents. Any accident can be prevented with adequate engineer and administrative measures as well as the use of adequate laser safety eyewear. A review of these safety measures will be presented.

Date: Wednesday, 17th of March, 2021
Hour: 10.00 - 12.00h